Monday, October 1, 2007

The Countdown

In eleven days, the first of two teams will be leaving for Kampala, Uganda in what will be an experience like nothing else. While there, the two teams will help build and dedicate a "sister" church in celebration of Central's 100 years of changing lives.

While there the team will be staying with a missionary family and experiencing as much as the Ugandan culture as possible. This will include traveling to the rural area churches, eating authentic Ugandan food, ministering to those with HIV/ AIDS, and attending the local church services.

Last minute preparations include collecting tools to build with and donate, small toys and candy to hand out to the children, and preparing devotions and testimonies as the Lord speaks to each team member's heart.

Please lift up each team in prayer as the Lord works in their individual lives as they spread His Word to those around the world.


Anonymous said...

I hope the day you read our comments, that you found yourselves having a blast in serving God through Uganda. Rest assured, we are experiencing thunderstorms here and pray you do not have too much wet weather there. You are in my prayers all the time, looking forward to hearing how all of you are doing.

Bill Freeman said...

Sorry Janelle
Dallas hung in there
the first half but there was no stopping the Brady Bunch
NE 48 Dallas 27

Larry KC pulled one out
27 - 20 over Cincy

God Bless you all

Jeff King said...

Hi Guys,

I'm glad to hear you made it safe. Everything is under control here. Feeding the homeless went well. It was raining, but it stopped long enough for us to serve. We only had about 35 homeless show but all the food was gone before we left. Had about 7 people to help me and we had no issues. You guys be safe in doing God's work. I'll be praying for you all.
