Friday, October 19, 2007


We are having some real problems loading pictures, so those will have to come later.
We wanted to leave a message for team 2:
When the to bring list says hand towel, so not take that literally. Bring bath towel.
Candy is a big hit, please bring more.
Flip-Flops, with fabric and/or beads for decoration is really succesful for womens project. Try to find larger womens sizes.
Reminder: make sure each tote checked in at the airport-place claim ticket and persons name on detailed page with tote number for future reference. Praise report, only one tote unaccounted for.
Check Carla's reference sheet call her daughter Carin and have her bring sewing machine to church to add to tote.
Church building progress going well.
Jennifer: Cheri wants you to check the date for the church craft show and reserve us a booth for the missions team. Thank you.
Fellowship with the community church has been great. The people are wonderful.
Leaving for the village in the morning, hopefully Cheri will have time to post first, she does a wonderful job.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're all staying very busy. What type of sewing machine are you talking about (will it fit in tub, weight, do have more to bring than tubs already)? Also, is there anywhere close to accommodations where it is safe to run (I know, odd question from an odd person)?

julie said...

We're praying for all of you! Glad that the flip flops and beads are a hit, I'll hunt some more down this weekend to send with team 2. What kind of candy?
Mom, we love and miss you very much!

Anonymous said...

Jerry, I would think it would be safe to run here. We are in a neighborhood where there are larger houses with gated fences for security. Part of it depends on if you can get your run in during daylight. It begins getting light at 5:30. Breakfast is at 8:00 and we head for the job site at 9:00. We try to leave the job site by 5:00 pm but sometimes only get back shortly before dark.

The sewing machine will fit in one of the boxes if they're not full yet. Have you collected a lot of stuff?