Tuesday, October 30, 2007

God is Smiling... :)

'God is smiling' said a comment from Amy and how true that is...

God is smiling... at the progress being made on the church. Some of the men expended enormous amounts of energy digging out an area for the 'terrace' along one side of the church. Others started putting the finish mortar on the inside of the church while the local workers continue laying the bricks and structure to hold the trusses.

God is smiling... as he watches the children swarm to the church site for singing and activities. Tina brought large parachutes and led the kids in play time - their faces glowed and their energy was boundless!

God is smiling... on our home visits - the first group visited 3 homes. All the women said they were saved and allowed prayer for them and their families... especially for their concerns about mosquitos, clean water, schooling and jobs. These families live on the swamp and are plaqued by mosquitos. Their water is dipped from the dirty stagnant water of the channel. Schooling is not a possibility for the children, unless their parents can find jobs or they have sponsors.

God is smiling... at the hope spread by the Church of God here. The missionaries report 550 established churches. Not only is the church the key to spiritual support, but also is active in programs to assist the people in providing for their families. With a reported average income of $300-$400 per year, the people are extremely poor. Through a church established program, AIDS patients make paper bead jewelry to sell. Colleen has visions of building a technical school sometime in the future to train people in other skills as well.

God is smiling... on our team as we bond through our shared experiences and love for the Lord.

God is smiling...

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