Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It Rained - It Poured!

It's 8:15 am here. Midnight your time. We woke up to a huge thunderstorm at dawn. When it rains in Uganda, it's even more dramatic than in Kansas! Carolee mentioned it rained for you guys, too! It's already clearing off and we're preparing to go to the work site. Tim and Sherril are camping in a tent. So, they really got the whole rain experience. Larry, Cheri, Ruth, Delbert, Tom, Tammy are all sleeping in a little section across the road from the big house (where everyone else is). We have our own bunk house, outdoor bathroom and shower room. It's a gated area, too and there are guards who watch both gates all night.

This morning we will be working at the job site, some of us are going to do home visitation to some who have aids and this afternoon a few people are going to do crafts and play with the kids.

There is so much to tell you. I'm sorry we're having trouble downloading pictures. We've got a bunch of good ones. We will attempt to email pictures to Jennifer and then she can download them to this blog. Internet connections and speed aren't good here. In trying to send Jennifer an email with picture attachment, we kept getting kicked off last night. We'll try again today.

The church is coming up well. There are several rows of bricks and of course the footings were already built. Today they will put up support beams. There is alot of activity going on at the job site. Lots of hands working so it's exciting to see the progress.

I (Cheri) got to talk to the pastor, Pia yesterday. She started this church four years ago. Little by little it has grown to 150. The church will hold 450. There is a hill in the vicinity where a lot of the refugees from different African nations have settled. The tribal king owns alot of land in this region and made it available for people to settle on. So there are alot of very poor people in the area.

There is a real movement of God in this area and many people are accepting Christ. It's exciting to see what God is doing here. The church had been meeting in a school and couldn't have any mid week meetings because of the school. So, they have been praying for a church building of their own. They are very excited and thankful. We will have church with them at the site tomorrow night.

Team Two, you may want to try to bring more items for the kids. They just flock around us. There are dozens of kids!

You also might want to bring more for the women. Some of those boxes that had crafts for the women are the ones that never arrived.

Bring wet wipes. It's important to keep your hands clean. Be prepared for rain. When it rains, it pours! We will work regardless so coverings for your feet or extra shoes is probably a good idea.

We are having a great time! Team Two, you are going to love it!


Anonymous said...

Please tell Terri I am going through withdrawal! Miss all the emails she sent to me while I was at work. Kept checking my email. Praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

This goes out to Janelle,

I hope things are going good for you there! I miss you over here already but the work you are doing over there is a lot more important! Sorry about your Cowboys. They were doing fine until the fourth quarter and then...I don't know what happened. They lost pretty bad. I will be praying for you (and all your fellow missionaries) for a safe and productive stay. Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

It's so exciting to get a daily report! However, it makes it that much harder to wait for our plane to take off on the 27th! You're in our prayers... Jerry & Judy

Tina said...

I am also glad to get the daily reports, it is giving us an idea of what to expect and also builds our excitement. Anxiously awaiting our turn. We are praying for everyone there and our new African family in Christ. David and Tina

Anonymous said...

Cheri, try compressing the photos before you email them to me. It might make it a little easier to download and email.

Glad you are having a great time. It's sooo cool to get your daily reports. I'm praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your posts, I printed the blog and posted it here at work. It has touched a lot of people and the donation box is filling quickly,
we will continue to pray for you
stay safe

The Fagen Family

Anonymous said...

Mom, the phrase is "upload" not "download".. haha. I'm really impressed with your posts on this blog. I hope you can continue blogging on your mission works and ministries when you return home (for those that feel Wichita can feel as far as Africa). Love ya, and I'm proud of you and the rest of the team.
