Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Packing Party

Last night was the Official Packing Party. We packed our plastic totes with items to give to the people there. There are toys and candy for the children and tools to help build the church. Below are a few photos for you to enjoy!!

Toys and candy ready to be packed up for all those little hands and tummys to enjoy over in Uganda.

Packing as much as possible without going over the weight limit takes skills.

Our angelic team members. Who has the bigger halo??

1 comment:

Bill Freeman said...

Hi everyone just thought I would

stop in to say hello and to say

you all are in my prayers daily

it is good to see and read about

what it is like there in that part of the world we are so blessed to

live where we live we all should be very thankful

Ron the maintenance man at church

ask about you all so I told him a little about what I had read

on the blog and Jeff King let people know what he had read in our singles class Wed

several were asking


I got your email and

I am sorry to hear about the little girl that has HIV that is so sad and to hear how bad Aids is there

I just wanted you to know everything is ok

here Kirsten went to church we me

Wed she kept me laughing shes so silly

Jeff took Shannon to get her test

done yesterday and he said it turned out ok

It has rained here a lot I

sign a contract on a house yesterday just waiting to see if they approve the offer

I had to order brake/shims with the pads for your car and they came in yesterday well I had better go for now we miss you but know God has his arms around you guys

God Bless You
