Friday, October 19, 2007

Saturday Morning Leaving for a Village

We will be leaving this morning for a 4 hour journey to a rural village. We will be sharing there with children, teens, and adults and also building footings for a church there. We will camp out in tents and have church service with them Sunday morning. Then return Sunday night.

Monday morning early we leave for a three day Safari to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Yesterday we did a craft project with the women. We let them tie colorful fabric strips on flip flops and decorate bandana scarves. They seemed to really enjoy it.

Team Two, if you can prepare more for the women as far as crafts go, bring more soccer balls, and more candy (any kind) that would be great. The candy is a treat the kids rarely get here so they are so excited about it! The adults like candy, too. Also, the crayons were a huge hit! Our kids take them for granted but you should see the picture of the kids swarming me for one crayon! You would think we were giving away million dollar bills or something! I thought they were going to knock me over in their exitement! Also, the bubbles. Many have never seen them. They are a big hit!

Jeff B, no hammocks so Larry just stays at the compound all day. :) Actually all are doing well healthy wise. No Monezuma's Revenge.

We got to meet our Children of Promise yesterday and gave them gifts. If you have a child, prepare a gift to give them. If you don't have a child, prepare to get one. You will, once you meet these children!

We have all become attached to someone. Larry met a child named Allen. He is as ornery as Larry and keeps skipping school to come to the job site. He gets sent back to school but periodically comes again. Yesterday he asked Larry if he had any biscuits. Larry finally figured out that he meant peanut butter crackers. He hadn't eaten and was so hungry!

The women put the left over food out on two plates yesterday after lunch, the children swarmed the plates. You knew they hadn't eaten for a while and were so hungry. I can't describe what that was like except to say, if you've ever put food out for hungry farm cats and they just attack the food like they don't know where their next meal is coming from, that's what it is like here.

The kids have really touched our hearts also many of the adults, too. Team Two, be prepared to have your hearts broken. We can't describe it, you have to experience it.

Will write Sunday night if possible.


Bill Freeman said...

Good morning Team 1
just read your comments
sounds like you have much
to do and are very busy

Your Mom ask about you
I'm going over to see her today
and print the blog comments off
for her to read I know she will
enjoy reading about what you all
are doing and see some of the pic's

God Bless You
Bye for now

Anonymous said...

Just reading what youall write breaks my heart, experiencing it in person will be unbelievable - can't wait!!

jenwolf said...

Mom (Tammy) -- Hope you have a safe journey to the village. It sounds like you are meeting some amazing people and doing wonderful things. All my love, jen

kim said...

Hi Team 1... We have been reading about this amazing journey you are on... I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. We all are so very proud of each of you and know you are all in our thoughts and prayers... We miss you too. Janelle, could you please bring me one, two, or three.. heck how about a bunch of those little ones home with you? I have plenty of crayon's! Maybe Larry could help assist you.. Would save me all of the red tape and I can just give you all the green. You all are amazing!!!
Our Love...