Monday, October 29, 2007


Our bodies were weary as we arrived last night, but that didn't dampen our excitement at finally landing in Africa! It was probably good we were traveling in the dark to the Stevenson's home because our senses were overloaded without even being able to see everything! The smell of smoke in the air here... unlit city streets full of activity... glimpses through open doors of street markets. The city went on forever it seemed... at over 2 million people, Kampala is probably 5 times as big as Wichita!

Our journey began at the Wichita airport - Team 1 arrived just in time to share hugs and a few stories of their adventures! As we waited in lines at airports, our T-shirts bearing the scripture in Psalms spawned several comments and conversation - Karen overheard a couple of ladies call us 'Jesus groupies' - which may be pretty accurate since where He leads we follow.

The Stevensons are very gracious and entertaining hosts! Their home is far more wonderful than we could have imagined... it was designed and built by Tim to accommodate mission groups, so it's huge and sprawling and very homey. Beautiful landscaping and wonderful views are subjects of a lot of snapshots already! (I guess I'm really writing this for those who haven't been here since Team 1 has experienced it first hand!) It seems everyone slept well and are revived and ready to go this morning! We woke to the 'laughter' of a very happy African bird!

Our site orientation is at 11:00 - in the meantime, I can hear Tim sharing stories with lots of laughter' coming from the dining room below, so I think I'll join the group for a dose of missionary humor!

(P.S. - ALL our luggage - including ALL 16 tubs - made it!)


Anonymous said...

So glad you all arrived and with all the totes. I am still getting used to the time change as I wake up at 2 am ready to start my day.

Get ready for continuous sensory overload it never ends.

Try to send pics as I am excited about the progress team 2 makes to the church.

Please tell Colleen we have sold many TAPS items already, just from church on Sunday.

Nothing seems to have changed here except my heart for Uganda. We have told our stories to many so far, hopefully our experience will encourage others to participate in children of promise sponcership.

Much love and prayers are being sent to you all.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you made it and so did the tots, I guess the airline got tried of us and made sure to have your tots there.

I miss Uganda already and would love to be there with you all.

Tell Colleen that I have someone for Linda's boy and that I need the information for him and Carla has one also for a girl will let her know.

Can't wait to hear from you each day of what is going on.

Will keep you and the team in our
Love you all

Blessed by God said...

How exciting to read your blog. I am constantly going over in my mind what time it is in Uganda, and so what you all might be doing at this time. I miss it so much, I miss the people.
Keep up the blogging, who is doing the writing? Good job.

Anonymous said...

Love hearing your comments. It brings it all back again, especially our little winged friend who woke us each morning with "Ha Ha!" If you want to try to email me pictures, I will add them to the blog for you. Just shrink the picture and email me ( The pictures we were able to add were from sending them to Jennifer and she added for us. I'm guessing the internet connections are still slow? You might ask Colleen how she adds pictures and get some advice from her... We used Larry's laptop when we sent pictures. You might tell Linda that as we wore our African clothes that she made us, we had several requests for clothes. At the end of your trip, if you want to bring a few items back for us to sell, please do. Cheri

Anonymous said...

We thank God that you all made it and all of the luggage and totes. David, Tina, Bob, and Carolee, we will not cease giving thanks for you making mention of you in our prayers daily. Have a blessed two weeks and we will look at your blog daily. We enjoy reading it and seeing the pictures. We are anxious to see and hear of all of your trip when you return. Be blessed in every way.

Bob and Connie D

Anonymous said...

Team 1 - we'll do our best to fill all your requests and will pass on the info about sponsors. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! you made it. Take care eachother over there. You are in my thoughts. I'm so proud of you (Heather, Reola,and Juanita).
Tina Nichols

Anonymous said...

Holding you in prayer and thought as you go through each day. May God show you glimpses of His glory no matter where you are or what you are doing. A special "hey" and much love to team members Judy & Jerry.