Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Under the Ugandan Sky

Our sunny, rainless days and clear nights were interrupted by a brief rainstorm last night. The air is fresh and the sun is shining this morning, though, as we prepare for our last day at the work site before heading to a village.

Wednesday was an emotional day...

Some of the group who are sponsors for Children of Promise met their kids. What an impact it had on everyone's lives. Angel, Carl's little girl, took his hand and called him 'Papa' without knowing his children and grandchildren lovingly address him the same way. David G. and his 2 sponsor children immediately felt a bond. The entire team was moved by their experiences.

So many families here feel defeated and hopeless. They see sponsorship for their children as a way out of the poverty and despair they live with every day because it gives their kids a chance to go to school... something we take for granted.

One young mother of 3 escaped to Kampala after having been abducted by Northern rebels - her father was killed and her mother's ear cut off. She bore a child as a result of her captivity.

Heather and Karen accompanied the missionary nurse, Glenna, to the church-sponsored clinic. Life can begin and end there. With the aid of a fetus scope, Heather heard the hearbeat of an unborn child. Others have come with little hope of recovery. Staff is very limited, so, when a patient is admitted, their caregiver must come, also, to assist them with all their needs except adiministering medications and any other medical care. The caregiver 'camps' outside the clinic while caring for their loved one.

The church has all the roof trusses up now. It's unbelievable how much progress has been made since we've been here... all things are possible with God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the descriptiveness of the work that is going on in Uganda. Warms my heart for people I haven't even met, just from reading the words. Praying for you all. Kathleen