Sunday, November 4, 2007

SONday Worship

Rain fell steadily as we headed for Sunday morning church services... but the Son was shining inside each building and in each smiling face that greeted us!

Our team was divided into three groups and each group traveled to a different church within the city of Kampala. We all had parts in the service and joined in the congregational singing - church 'rocks' here with everyone praising God and actively worshiping.

After the 3 - 4 hour services, our groups met for lunch at Haandi Restaurant for some awesome Indian cuisine. We have all eaten way too much since we've been here!

Tomorrow morning we leave at 6:00 for Murcheson Falls for another African experience. We won't be able to blog until we return on Wednesday...


Anonymous said...

Message for Karen

Our Snday school High Impact wants us to talk about Africa the this next Sunday. I will have my pics and if she could have some ready or we will just use mine. They just want us to talk a bit about our experiences. Nothing overly involved. Just a heads up if you happen to be there this next Sunday.

Much love to all Kimberly

Anonymous said...

"The memory of the soul is far more powerful than the memory of the mind." -Payton Reese

The SOUL skips into the night whispering into the breeze, laughing, twirling, dancing among the trees. "Free at last", the SOUL whispers to its only companion, "I'm free at last because we met." The companion softly begins to weep, full of joy and happiness. And, rain begins to fall from the sky.
-Payton Reese

Let your souls enjoy the gifts that God has brought to you and may the souls in Africa enjoy the gifts God has brought them.

Much love,