Thursday, November 1, 2007


Another beautiful day ended our week at the work site yesterday (11/1). It's a bit drizzly today, but perhaps we'll find the sun shining in the village where we're headed in about an hour.

Home visits and a trip to the clinic again caused emotions to run high again yesterday. The community surrounding the church is very poor - crudely constructed concrete buildings divided into small (about 8x10) rooms house families of sometimes 10 people. Some homes are void of furniture... and fathers. Of the 5 families visited, none had a husband/father present in the home... 3 of the men had died, the other 2 had simply left and never returned. The women have little means of supporting themselves, so live in poverty while relying on the good will of friends and relatives in rented homes. They are all looking for hope somewhere - 2 asked for prayers of salvation and will be joining in services at the new church!

Joy, the sponsor child of Jerry and Judy, ran all the way from her school to see us when notified we were waiting at her home! A quiet, shy girl - until she saw the baby doll we brought her! Then she hugged Judy's neck without restraint - Judy got several more hugs before we left, but, when asked what she would name her doll, she said, 'Jerry!'

Two patients in the clinic share rooms without regard to their illness - newborns with very sick people are thrown together. It's quite a distance to the clinic, so those going there have seen more prosperous areas of the city... they even stopped at a Walmart wannabee (GAMES) for the wealthier population!

Breakfast is served... and I'm hungry so will post again after returning from the village.


Blessed by God said...

Just a quick note to say hello to everyone there, I know the village visit was quite a treat. Thank you for the blogs, your writing is very discriptive, and well done. I miss it there so much.
Love to you all, and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear all, What a wonderful thing it is for us to see your pictures, and hear your stories from way over here in SE Asia. God is so awesome and He will accomplish all that He has sent His word to do, and that is through YOU! May He watch over you and protect you, may He shine His face upon you, and may the work of your hands be fruitful and blessed. May His love shine through you and minister to the people. May you be the Jesus they see! It's a privilege to serve with you, even if it's from the other side of the world. Go TEAM!!! All our love, Dan and Michelle Mueller, SIL in SE Asia

Blessed by God said...

Hello team 2, I can not wait to hear about your village visit. :)
I have a message for Colleen: my sister is sponsoring Oscar Ochina, we could not find his ID number, and she would like more information about him. The brochure was not clear about his mother. Judy, will you find him in the group and take some more pictures of him. Thank you all love you all, wish I were there with you.