Thursday, November 8, 2007

Yesu ye Mukama! (Jesus is Lord!)

"I heard and I forgot; I saw and I remembered; I touched and I understood."

We have touched and been touched by Uganda and it's people.

With the corrugated metal roof still being hammered in place, the church gathered to dedicate the new building. What a blessing to see the joyful expressions of the people as they filed in. A dirt floor, crudely mortared brick walls and an unfinished roof open to the heavens above was the stage for a dedication service that was unequaled in praise, enthusiasm, joy, excitement and worship than anything we had yet experienced!

How blessed we were as we participated in the program planned by the Mutungo church -fervant prayers of thanks were offered on behalf of our 2 teams... but we know it wasn't us who made this happen, it was God!

Surely the entire town of Kampala heard our voices lifted in song! The message of dedication blessed all who were there and most certainly touched God's heart.

We actively particpated in the progam... 2 trees were planted (the 1st team planted 2, also, at the end of their time in Uganda). Unveiling of the specially made plaque Jeff Belt donated was met with clapping and excitement. Cutting of the ribbon as we entered through the open doorway and people crowding into the humble place of worship was moving. Exchanging our country's flags was an emotional moment for many as we sang our national anthems for each other.

Pins were made to commemorate Central Community Church's centennial and our relationship with the Mutungo church and will be handed out to all the adults. In return, we were presented with a tray and communion dishes to take home to CCC.

As I write this, we are preparing to leave for our last day's activities and our travel home. We will be leaving a part of us here and taking so much back with us deep in our souls.

A final thought as we say farewell to Uganda: "That which is good is never finished." (African Proverb)


Anonymous said...

Praise God! I can't wait to see pictures! We'll be praying for you on your final day in Uganda and during your flight home. (I don't think the flight home is quite as exhausting as the one to Kampala. We'll pray it will go quickly and that you will be able to sleep on the plane). :) Cheri

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for creating this blog. I felt as if I were participating and could hardly wait to read the daily updates. Someday, Lord willing, my health will be good enough that I can participate in person in such an adventure. I know that your lives will be changed forever as a result of your experiences and praise God for that. I am praying for a safe trip home for you. GG

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.