Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Evening in Uganda

As we left the Kasubi school we were all ready to come back to the compound eat shower and sleep as the days events were long and full of hard work. The city seems to become more alive as the evening sets in. More people more vehicles, more energy. We arrived at the compound to no water and no electric, a slaming blow to those of us just dreaming of a shower even a cold one. Welcome to Africa!!!! As the night drew to a close we were blessed to get a little water that we could take a very short, but very needed shower.

Thank you God. Small blessings are the best at times.

As we started retiring for the night I noticed a change from the craziness of the city to the serene happenings of the night. Upon the hill I watched the bats dance in the night sky driving to catch their pray before their pray got us ( mosqitoes). I was very thankful for those usually scary creatures. Although as one fellow mission worker stood out in the clearing brushing his teeth, he was almost hit in the head by a very aggressive little guy. Was kind of funny to see him run for the porch of the cabin.

As the night progressed on I found myself unable to sleep. I think God gave me a gift that so many poeple sleep through and never realize the magnitude of the night. I heard so many new sounds that my mind either one- got scared and cuddled up with my blanket or two- was in awe of what could make such a beautiful sound. Something nibbling on things in our room (shhhh dont tell my room mates as they might get a little worried). Bugs hitting the screen of window, a rooster crowing at 3am trying to find an answer back in the darkness. Something walking around in the rock path in front of the cabin. The call to prayer of the Muslum temple at least 5 or 6 times throughout the night was a reminder that we have so much to do here. And what could those calls be doing to those how hear it in their sleep.

The rooster was a persistant creature letting me know about every hour that I was getting less and less sleep. But soon in the distance I heard a response to his early morning call and then another and another. Soon they all took turns in the ritual talking back and forth. Then I heard only what I can explain as a walk through the rainforest at the zoo, the sounds of birds I had never heard before. Many of them waking up to Gods new day, singing praises to Him. But I was not at the zoo just listening to the beautiful sounds God gave these birds here in the wild. Soon the sounds of Gods creatures over powered the Muslum calls and the dawn was upon me telling me to sing the praises of God and rejoice in this new morning that God has given us. Isn't that what we all should do daily, wake up with songs of praise, thankfulness that we have a new day to go out and make a difference, and the ability to do it?

What a wonderful experience to have and this is only from the missionaries compound I cant wait to see what the village has in store for us.



Anonymous said...

Good morning from Kansas! Every day I read your blog it energizes me; it's kind of like a "breakfast with champions" (you are the champions). Terri, bring me one rolled bead when you come home please. I'll carry it daily and use it as a prayer reminder. What a marvelous example you are setting for the younger members of Central Christian Church. It will be interesting to see the impact of your legacy in both Africa and locally as it unfolds over the years. Stay dry. Be encouraged by the intercessory prayers on your behalf and for those to whom you are serving. Expect miracles and please take the time to include those you witness in your blog. God bless you all and a GIANT hug for Terri. - Sherry L.

Anonymous said...

Greetings! What an amazing journey! I can only imagine the bats, and the mosquitos, and the birds, and whatever was walking around on the rocks outside the compound.

God bless you all as you continue on this incredible journey. We pray for a continued time of blessing as you bless the people of Uganda with the Word of God in action and Word. Can't imagine visiting the AIDS patients. Wow!

No more white potatoes for Jennifer! How is Debbie's ankle?

All is well here. Beautiful weather - 80's during the day,
60's at night. Car Show Saturday. Genda's husband is working on our car's air conditioning unit.

How hot is for you there? Is it very humid?

Everything is just as you left it. Come back to us safely! - Sherry Smith

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom!!!! Miss you!!!! Everything is fine here at home!!! Looking after Justy! :) Have a safe trip! Love you!!!!!! XOXOX!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to send out a quick hello to Kimberly Toupin to let her know that she and the rest of the Team are in our thoughts and prayers.I also want to encourage her that while she is missed here at work, there is no higher calling than spreading God's word and positively impacting the lives of others. God Bless....Be Safe...and we'll see you soon!!

Jim Urso

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimberly,
Read your account of your "quiet" night and was blessed you shared it. In our busy lives, we don't stop long enough (like spending the night listening and watching) to the beauty that God has given to bless us.
God bless all of you richly for the work of your hands and hearts!
I'll keep in touch and know that you and your team are prayed for daily by me and my prayer group.
Paula Sherbet

Anonymous said...

Hey moma just getting ready for bed i have practice tommorrow which will be Saturday but ya miss ya and love ya .

Ps everythings going fine

Anonymous said...

Hi mama, I don't know when you will get back from the village. I am hoping soon, all is well here at home. Justin's team won the game tonight, then he had homecoming. I'll tell you about that later :) I hope your experience in the village was awesome and blessing filled. Dakotah and I continue to pray for you and your awesome team. We send love to all, and think you guys are amazing!!
Love, sissy

jeffswolfepack said...

Hi mom (Janelle)Wanted to let you that I called and checked on grandma yesterday she sounded good and said that she was okay. I am going to be taking her to her CT scan on monday, but you already knew that. I am hoping to be able to go buy there in person today. Keep up with God's Work hope to hear from you soon.
Love Jeff,Shannon & the Girls

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom, I finally got a chance to get on the site. It sounds like you guys are working hard and living well. Sebastian and I are praying for you all. Keep up the good work Love Josh

Julia said...

You're all still in my heart and mind! The gorgeous weather here in Wichita causes me to imagine what natural beauty you're seeing as you travel the country. The handiwork of God never ceases to amaze me.
Know that each of you is treasured and loved immensely! I'm asking God to overwhelm you with the joy of His unconditional acceptance. May the Lord go before you to guide you, beside you to befriend you, behind you to encourage you, above you to protect you, and within you to inspire you toward His holy will.

...greg smith said...

Keep those postings coming because we love to read them!

Praying for all of you!!!

Pastor greg

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, Debbie and team! How we have prayed for your safety and your witness as you spread the Good news there in Uganda. We are so grateful that you have been faithful to God's calling to GO. What an awesome experience it must be, to see the physical needs of the children as well as the need for Jesus in the lives of the people. I know each of you will come back with many stories, with new hearts in wanting to just do more - May God bless each of you and your familes richly for the many sacrifices you have made to be there. Jennifer and Debbie, we missed you in Bible Study - we are so anxious to have your share your vision with us. Mindy did a great job and this week we have studied about the infilling of the Holy Spirit - What a great God we have that left us with the HS who is omnipresent and can be with you and keep you there in Uganda at the same time that he keeps your families and each of us here in KS. Jennifer, how are you making it without Starbucks - we'll be sure you get an extra cup when you get back!! Love you guys and look forward to your safe return. Diane Bartel

Anonymous said...

To Kim..berly Toupin, just wanted to encourage you and your willingness to spread the message and help those in need. I really appreciate your witness there in Africa and back here in Kansas. Praise God for his blessings both great and small (like a shower).

Anonymous said...

Love hearing about the work that is being done there. How I remember those nights laying awake out in the tent listening to the sounds of Africa, sometimes it was the mighty power of thunder or the little patter of small feet somewhere in the tent. I do miss the faces, scents of the city, the fervent prayers and songs of praise by those God has called there, the taste of the fresh pineapple and papaya, and the welcoming hugs and handshakes from those that so glad to see you. We are praying for your journey and that you will be blessed greatly by this opportunity!! Tina B

jeffswolfepack said...

Mom Janelle-Reagan and I went to Ronda's yesterday and played with Sarah.Then the girls and I went by the house yesterday and saw grandma for a little bit she was doig really well and was able to go play bridge last night. Aaron was in town so she had him take her to her doctors appointment. Grandma said that GOD has really given her peace with her struggles and she seemed so peaceful yesterday. She as well as the rest of us would like to know when you will actually be back day/time?? Reagan has tried to call you and doesn't understand what is keeping her NeNe away. We drive by the church and she gets excited. I think she know that all of you are carrying out gods work all the way to Africa. She was disapointed to get to your house yesterday and not see you. All Our Love and Prayers-your kids

Anonymous said...

Just want to say hi and that your mom is doing great. I talked to her for quite a while on Sunday and she said she felt better than she had in 3 days. She was going to play bridge on Monday. Have a safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

OK mama where are you?? I thought you should be back from the village by now? You guys must be doing lots of work. We really really miss you so hurry home. I can't wait to talk to you. Love you sissy

jeffswolfepack said...

I agree with michele where are you guys surely thought that we would have heard something by now. I am guessing that all the work has you so worn out that even saying hello is a strain on the brain. I am sure that all is well hope to hear from you soon!Love the kids