Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Visitation and Work at Kasubi

Today we did painting at Kasubi, painting the baptismal, the library, the guest house, the canteen area, and classroom. We watched them digging a water well on site. We also went to the TAPP office and installed doors and windows. We felt like we accomplished alot today.

We also spent time at the TAPP office learning to roll beads. Believe me, they are worth every dollar! It looks easier than it is! They told us we need more practice. :)

Everyone new this year and a couple team members from last year went on home visits to those infected with HIV who are involved in the TAPP ministry. The team members who experienced this for the first time were very moved. Larry said whoever goes on home visits bring plenty of tissue to cry in. It was very emotional for everyone. It is something you have to experience for your heart to really be touched and changed and to gain in understanding. Each family was prayed with and we tried to bring them hope.

I spent a couple of hours or even more at a friend of Colleen's home. She is going through a divorce and I (Cheri) enjoyed the opportunity to share with her, to listen to her and to encourage her.

Tomorrow we leave at 11:00 am for the village. It is expected to take 8 hours. Tim and Colleen said that they don't normally take visitors this far North. We feel blessed to be able to go and share with these people. The people will be walking for days to come to church for the dedication which is on Sunday. We will have many from the Church of God in the Congo coming, too.

We will be staying at a lodge which we are told is just a step above a tent. At least we will be out of the weather. Last year Larry and I were the only ones who chose a leak proof tent. Everyone else got drinched and we are in the rainy season. We are glad to have a roof to sleep under.

Tomorrow morning we will pack. We are gathering all the items we will need for the village time and the Safari time.

Everyone is doing well but we did learn that Jennifer is alergic to African sweet potatoes (they are the white type). One bite and she had an allergic reaction and realized she shouldn't have any more. It was a bit tense for a while. :( Genda had a migraine and went to rest at Glenna's and feels much better tonight. Other than that and a few sore muscles, everyone is doing very well.

We feel incredibly blessed to be here! We also enjoy hearing from you so pleae leave us your comments.

Love You Guys!
Cheri for Team One


Candy said...

We are so excited for you and we are praying for you all! I can't imagine what it must be like to visit with the families of HIV victims. You are all in our prayers continually!


Connie said...

Cheri, you write well!
Thanks to you All for showing "Love" to all our brothers and sisters, in Christ, in Africa.

The rains here have stopped, but not before Mindy's basement took on the flood.

Carla O was kind enough to offer her kyack, so I could float the West Street Canal. That is between Maple and Zoo Blvd.

I appreciated the comments of the speaker regarding her grandmother and Alzheimer's dementia and the heart she had for telling those suffering and to those with no hope of a life with out disease which suredly leads to death here on earth -that there is a hope, a future with out either disease or death, and a hope for an eternity with the "King" of Compassion.

God Bless. Thank you all once again!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE the blog. So many memories come flooding back. You make everything so real. You all are continually in our prayers.
Bob & Carolee

Julia said...

What an amazing day you guys had! It's like you're "Compassionate Warriors" - tough enough to withstand the schedule (on how little sleep?!), yet tender-hearted enough to minister to anybody who's hurting. I think they call that "salt" and "light", huh?
Somebody please bring back a lion to me from your safari: female, preferrably. I hear the males are just too temperamental living indoors.
Rock on, Faithful Ones!

Anonymous said...

It was great reading about what you guys are going through. I am really nervous but it helps to read that you are okay and having a good time.
Take care and I will be praying for all of you.

Allie said...

Just wanted to let you all know that I'll say a prayer for you tonight. I know that you're working hard to show God's love to other people, but I also know that times like these are when his love also becomes most evident to you. Soak up the smiles and hugs and African warmth. I pray that this work will be an encouragement to your relationships with Christ and that you might be his hands in feet in Uganda. Love you all dearly.
(Rhonda and Steve's daughter)

P.S. HI Uncle Dan hope you're loving it!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, how awesome it is that you are all there! I am excited for each and everyone of you! Your trip is being prayed over in Virginia also. I want to thank everyone for stepping up and being a worker for the King's Harvest, for showing His love through each action and encounter.

Tell Genda I'm glad she feels better and that I love her.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Shannon for the update on Mom, I hope all is well with everyone, we are having a great time, we leave for the village today, so I won't be able to read them for a few days. Tell everyone that I love them and miss them.
Give Reagan and Kristan kisses and hugs for me and also Dylan.

Love you much Mom/Janelle

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I hope you are feeling better after your allergic reaction from eating the sweet potatoes. I'm going to miss you tonight at Women's Bible study class!

All of you, take care. I think about all of you daily and check you blog many times. I love hearing about everything in Africa! Oh, please, bring a bead back for me, too, please! Thank you so much!

Cheryl Zahn-Moore

Anonymous said...

sounds like you all are really on the move. Praying for travelling mercies and extra dose of energy for your trip. Tell Dan he must feel at home with no electric and no water for shower! Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom!!!! Happy to hear you have all made it safely!!! Will be keeping you all in my prayers! Checked on Justy and all is well! Miss you! Be safe! Love you!!!! Sarah Beth