Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Children of Central Community Church of God Nursery


Anonymous said...

I love the pics! Thank you! It is beautiful in Africa and the church is wonderful!

In our Women's Bible Study class tonight, Jennifer and Debbie told us about some adventures in Africa. I think we were all sitting on the edge of our seats soaking in every word. I like what Jennifer said about the people saying: "Praise God, and Amen!" to get the children's attention.

We are starting our study with "Fingerprints of God: Recognizing God's Touch On Your Life by Jennifer Rothschild. One of the last things we read about tonight was Matthew 25:31-40 "The Sheep and the Goats". It's about: "Whatever we do for the least of these brothers of mine, we do for Him".

I'm watching your blog and I love the stories and the pics. Thank
you very much. Jennifer said between everyone there are probably about 10,000 pictures! Awesome! Wow!

Cheryl Zahn-Moore

Vince said...

Hey All,

Sorry I haven't posted a comment until now.

Val- I'm so glad you said "yes" the morning you left.

How encouraging to see each of you touch the people in Africa (as each of them in turn minister to you). Thank you for going and allow us to share the love vicariously.

It’s such a beautiful reminder to us that we need to be out among the people ( African, American- or whoever) reaching out to them, loving them and showing them the very nature of God.

Thank you for being our Jesus there.