Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Faces of the Children of Uganda

These are the faces that we will never forget! 80% of the population of the country of Uganda are under the age of 15 and many of those are orphans due to AIDs, other illnesses and war.

Team Two has arrived at their village where they will work until after the church dedication on Sunday and then they will be traveling to Queen Elizabeth Park for a Safari. Please keep them in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I LOVE the pics of the Faces of the Children of Uganda! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :) I love the smiles! :)

They seem to be as excited to have their pictures taken as I am to see their pictures. :)

--I smile a lot too. I just can't help myself. I think it comes from the Joy the Lord has put in my heart. :)

Thank you for allowing us to see the people through your eyes, and to know the people through your words.


Cheryl Zahn-Moore

CCC Kids Ministry said...

These pictures truly are worth a thousand words. Each child has a story - a past, a present, and a future. Just as you won't forget the smile of joy on these tanned faces, each child will forever remember the face BEHIND the camera, behind the sock puppets, and underneath the parachute as well. You all are sharing your smile, your tears, your material posessions, and your life with children who are loved so much by God, yet forgotten by the rest of the world.

I admire and respect you all, Team 1 and Team 2, for sharing something that only God in His supernatural ways could have arranged. You could have said 'no' when you realized the financial burden, the assortment of mysterious shots, the lack of running water and toilets, and the fear of the unknown. But when Almighty God asked, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?", you all responded as Isaiah did, "Here am I. Send me!"

Be blessed today knowing that no matter what continent you are on, the children love and need you right now in their young lives. I believe our Savior, Jesus Christ, who also loved and welcomed the children, is watching with a smile of joy on His face as well remembering full well the delight of holding one of these precious ones on your lap!

I miss you and look forward to seeing you in 9 days!

Sherry Smith

P.S. MOPS went great this morning (yes, Jake was here, Brenda!) YEA! Go God! The china painters are here, the Love and Respect Conference is gearing up with around 1700 people coming. Trunk or Treat registration begins this weekend. The weather is GORGEOUS! Vice-Presidental debate tonight.

Vince said...

I agree! Thank you Thank you-- I now have a new background for my computer.

These faces bring tears--reminding me of why Christ came to redeem us back to him. To quote an old phrase-- "He couldn't live without us" Seeing these faces-- I can understand why. Who wouldn't want them around you for eternity?

on a non-spiritual note: Is that jealousy I feel coming on? :)

Can't wait to hear all the stories.

...greg smith said...

Praise the LORD!!!

Thank you for keeping us informed with words and pictures.