Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1, 2008

Good Morning from Uganda, Africa! Currently we are eating breakfast and getting ready for our newest adventure.

I did not get a chance to tell you that yesterday the team members that did not go on Home Visits were able to paint part of the floor and the stage at the chapel at Kasubi. Kasubi is the headquarters for the Church of God. Our medical team met with the nurse and other medical professionals and answered questions and gave medical presentations.

Today those who are medical on our team (Steve, Caroline, Hilary and Heather) will be going with the missionary nurse, Glenna, to visit other village medical personnel.

Last night we stayed up late getting things ready to go today (repacking our bags and the totes) and in our room we got a little goofy (saying 'goodnight' to John Boy, Mary Ellen, Sue Ellen - not in the same show but close, haha) and I think it was because we were tired and full of anticipation for today's events.

This morning I woke up and when I looked at my watch (which is still set on Kansas time) I thought it was 8:00 and breakfast was in 15 minutes! So I woke my roomies up only to discover that it was only 7:00! This from the person who had to be woke up before. But we all decided it was a good thing since we had many last minute preparations to do before breakfast which began at 8 instead of 8:15!

God is good to us here and I want to give him all the glory and honor for what he is doing in all of our lives! Believe me, He is here with us as well as with you all at home.

Well, this will be it until Sunday. Pray for us that we will stay healthy and do what God wants us to do. And, on a personal note, that the latrine conditions will be something that we can all get through successfully!

Love you all and miss you!



DavidB said...

Hey everybody! Hello over there in the big "U"! I am praying for you from Portland, Oregon :-)

Happy BELATED B-Day to valerie....a big hello to Hillary, and a huge hi to Pastor John for me? Love you all, and it is exciting following you. You are in my prayers!

-Pastor David Boots

Fred said...

It seems like forever since we have heard from you guys. I know God is doing great things with, and THROUGH, you! For those family members waiting, I have gotten messages from team 2 that they they have been having a great time in Nampunge, working with the kids in at least two schools so far, have been working with the ladies learning how to roll beads at the AIDS clinic, and working on getting the church ready for the dedication on Sunday!
They have been having fun singing and playing games with the kids. Praise God for this opportunity.
I can't wait to hear all the details of their experiences!

May God continue to work through these precious ones as they follow God's direction!

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody!.especially Hilary!
I am so thrilled that you have this opportunity of a lifetime to experience African missions with your pastor and your friends...a true blessing. We pray for the Team daily. I am happy you all are there spreading God's love to those precious children but Sundays are different without you here with us. Take care and know that we love you all and are praying for your health, energy, and spirit. It is exciting to see where you are. Fred keeps me posted with his picture of the continent as to your physical whereabouts. Love and Blessings until you return. Beverly

Anonymous said...

Hey Team 2: Just want you to know I have been praying for all of you. I know God is doing great & mighty things through each of you. I have been over-joyed ever since I returned home, my mouth is going 90 to nothing (imagine that!) trying to tell everyone that will listen to me about my awesome experience that God so graciously gave me "at such a late age" in my life. My arms ache to hold those little kids. Keep Pastor John in line. (Big Job.) Give Tim & Colene my love. I pray for a safe trip home for each of you.Love you guys. Love Emily