Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4, 2008

We are back at the Stevenson's after several very exciting days in the village of Nampunge! So much to tell and so many wonderful sights that we saw. I know that I will leave things out but please be assured that we are safe and sound and enjoying a reunion with hot water/toilets! No, really, with Hilary and Heather. They have had some exciting adventures of their own. They went with Glenna and visited many medical clinics so we're anxious to hear their tales.

We still have a group that is on their way back from Nampunge. Colleen brought six of us back to her home and the others stayed until a little more work was finished on the church. It is beautiful! I am so looking forward to the dedication tomorrow, as we all are. We almost had Pastor John convinced that visiting pastors had to sing before their sermon but we gave in and told him it was a joke!

Dr. Steve and Dr. Carolina had quite a visit with the medical clinic in Nampunge. They saw two new cases of AIDS, some malaria patients and even one with typhoid. They fielded some interesting questions about being doctors in America. They will have much to share when they return. Just an extra side note on that: the clinic is open 24 hours a day and we have heard many babies crying all night long. Plus several were born while we were there.

We came back tonight because the ladies of the church have spent so much time feeding us that in order for them to have time to prepare a feast for tomorrow's dedication service we needed to go back to Kampala! The food has been wonderful and we have tried many new and exotic dishes. The villagers have been so wonderful, loving and giving. We have felt so loved and welcomed.

The children are so precious. Everywhere we go we see them and they watched us in the medical center where we were staying. If you looked outside you could see them looking in and they love it when you wave to them. It's a special wave and it took a few of us (not mentioning any names!) a while to get the hang of it! :-)

Six of us had the privilege to teach in two more schools. What fun that was! There is nothing like doing the story of “David and Goliath” with hand puppets or teaching children how to play with a parachute or giving out 'sweets' (candy). We in America have so much and these children have so little but are so joyous!

Today we enjoyed sharing time with the women of the village. Together we made flip flops, the story of salvation necklaces and shared a question and answer section. Then the ladies danced for us; what a thrilling experience. We even were invited to join in and one male member of our group danced along – not saying his name but his initials are 'Grant Fisher'. LOL

I just heard that the other group is on their way back and I know that supper will be starting soon but I wanted to share with you a little taste of what we have been enjoying. Let me tell you, after sleeping on the floor (my mat lost all it's air) the bed tonight will be very appreciated!

God is so good to us! Thank you for your prayers. We can feel them here and as a team we are very appreciative. This is such a wonderful team! We have bonded and know that God is allowing us to both receive a blessing and give some also.

In the heart of Uganda,


Fred said...

Team 2,
Our prayers continue to be with you all. It is evident through your reports how God is moving through your actions. How honored we are to have you all in our family.
Val, sorry about the air loss. I guess hair isn't the only thing to go from fluffy to flat! :)
Blessings to all,

Fred said...

Good Morning team 2!
Happy dedication day! May God bless all involved as you dedicate the church for those you have been ministering to for the past week!
Blessings to all!

Anonymous said...

Today was a beautiful day in Wichita and I was thinking of you as I enjoyed the weather and realizing what a wonderful world God has created and I am experiencing one part and you are literally on another continent enjoying His creation! We serve an awesome God. All of you are a blessing to our church family and our prayers are with you as you minister to and work along side our brothers and sisters in Uganda.