Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5, 2008

Wow, what a day of celebration! The service here was so beautiful, exotic and so unique from what we experience in America. We heard many words of greeting from pastors here and sang songs as we cut the ribbon to enter the church. Our group was given a place of honor at the front of the church. The congregation had decorated the church with palm leaves and balloons and it looked beautiful!

Hilary sang a lovely solo “Eye on the Sparrow” and then Kimberly gave her testimony. Patti and Alexis led the congregation in an echo song and then a quartet made up Carl, Debbie, Grant and I (Valerie) sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness”. Grant then gave his testimony.

There were other wonderful parts to the service with everything being translated by either Moses or Adrian – wonderful interpreters! Then Pastor John preached and it was wonderful watching him preach and then hearing his words being spoken with the same enthusiasm. Very powerful.

The service (which began a little before noon and ended around 4:30 or so) included a baptism ceremony that was unlike anything we had ever seen. I lost count of how many were baptized but suffice it to say, it was more than most of us had seen at one service. It was wonderful to see God working in so many people's lives. He is Lord of all of us, not just in America but here in Uganda, too.

Oh, before I forget I want to share with you the gifts that we received. From the Nampunge church we received a big clock with the flags of the USA and Uganda inside with a message. Pastor John received a goat and a huge bunch of bananas. I'm not sure how we will get the goat home! LOL (I'm just kidding; I know it stays here).

After the baptism the entire congregation went outside and Carl took the cover off of the dedication plaque. What a wonderful moment!

We are back at the house now and just finishing up supper. The food has been so delicious. Any thoughts of losing weight these two weeks are going right out the window! We will be having devotions soon and will be packing for our safari tomorrow!

Our trip will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will be about a seven hour trip to Queen Elizabeth Park. Although we are tired we are looking forward to it.

I am told we will have some time to get on the internet so I will see if I can blog. If not, we will be back in touch on Wednesday evening.

God is so good and He is working through the lives of His precious people here in Uganda. The others who have come before us were right; we will be leaving our hearts here with the lovely people here.

In God's love and grace and will,



Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys are having a good time over there. I'm glad that the church dedication went well. I can't imagine 100 people being baptized at once! I thought 5 was a lot, lol. Missing you guys, stay safe on the safari and the rest of your trip!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a time of worship! IF only we would let the distractions of our lives go and focus our love and joy of God's saving grace!
Thank you for sharing the glimpses into the day of worship and fellowship you had; how lives were changed through you obedience.
We are excited about your upcoming "down time" at the safari, and hope it will be a time of renewing, and allow you to refocus after many days of intense emotion. HAVE FUN!!!
We love you all, and can't wait to hear the stories you have in person when you return.
God bless you all and all you do!

Anonymous said...

When I read your blogs I feel as if I am really a part of your Team traveling along with all of you. When I think of the baptism of large numbers of people being baptized, and many live being changed, I realize even more that God is everywhere not just here in Wichita, and you are his hands and feet in Africa. Bless you all and we are praying for you. Enjoy the safari and take lots of pictures so we can have picture parties when you return. Love and prayers,

Roxanne said...

You are doing fantastic deeds for God's glory! It is amazing the conditions they live in. It makes me ashamed of the frivilous complaints I have. Thank you for letting me see the other side of the world and realize how blessed I am! God is wonderful and you are a great vessel in spreading His love! You are doing a fantastic job!! Love reading your blogs--thanks for taking time to write, especially after the long days you are putting in! Keep safe!!!!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome time you are having, I have enjoyed you sharing with us what the Lord is doing in Uganda. What a service to be in where so many were baptised. This will be a lifechanging event for all of you. Val, your Grandma was so surprised to see all of us at the service. She truely had no idea we were coming & that she was getting the Heritage Award. Vanessa read your testimony about Grandma for you. Thanks so much for writing my testimony about your Grandma, the Mayor was there & came up to me later & said that I did an excellant job. We missed you, have emailed pictures to you, your Grandma was dressed old fashioned & she looked great.
Can hardly wait till you get back to see you, talk to you, hear about your experiences & see your pictures. Love you.

Anonymous said...

HI TEAM 2!!!
Are you safaried out yet? We miss you guys, and are excited as you enter the final phases of your trip. I pray that God will lead you and touch your hearts as to what HE would have done through you. WE are blessed to count you as friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. May God draw you near as you follow his direction. Safe travels are prayed on you!

Anonymous said...

Chris, Fred, Beverly, Roxanne and Mom,
How wondeful to read comments from you guys! It makes me feel a little closer to Kansas when I realize that we can share with you and hear what you are thinking.

Mom, I'm so glad that Grandma was surprised. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing your pictures.
Fred, I miss you and love you so much!
Roxanne, how fun to hear from you! I will put my pictures on Facebook when I get home so you can see them.
Beverly, we're taking good care of your 'baby'.
Chris, take care of yourself and your dad. I love you and miss you!
Valere (Mom)