Monday, October 19, 2009

In Uganda Again!

Our long trip began at 5:00 AM Wichita time on Saturday, the 17th... Fifteen of us - all a little sleepy, but excited about the opportunities ahead of us, met at the church, loaded up our baggage and headed to the airport. Our orange t-shirts attracted a lot of attention at each stop and allowed many of us to visit with others about our mission. Arriving in Entebbe, we found a much more modern airport than we remembered. Praise God that ALL our tubs and luggage arrived at the same time we did! Certainly, for Pastor John and Debbie, their reunion with their daughter, Alexis, was a far greater blessing than the luggage! Alexis has been serving with missionaries Tim and Colleen since September.

The familiar smell of smoke from charcoal fires and sounds of screeching brakes wafted through the open windows of the vehicles as we were transported through the darkness to the home of our host missionairies. Blurs of brightly dressed people, glimpses inside open roadside stands, visions of bright lights, burned into our senses as we flew past.

Our long trip ended when we finally arrived in Kampala, Uganda on Sunday, October 19th around 10:30 PM Kampala time (2:30 in Wichita) after an hour ride from the airport... Fifteen of us - all a little sleepy, but excited about the opportunities ahead of us to touch the lives of those we meet.

For those of us who have been here before, reunions with Tim and Colleeen, Glenna (missionary nurse), Pastor Moses (who was in Wichita last summer) and so many others were joyful... like coming home.

A sunny Monday morning revealed the beauty of our surroundings. It came early for some being awakened by the 'laughing' birds and crowing roosters, others managed to sleep in before starting our busy day of preparations. All the crafts and gifts we brought crammed into 15 plastic tubs had to be sorted and divided for the two villages we will be visiting. Miss Brenda's preliminary planning and amazing teamwork resulted in a stress-free time with everything ready before supper giving us plenty of time to pack for tomorrow's journey west to the village of Kasenke. We'll be spending four nights there building a church and friendships. Our team will be assisting with roofing and flooring of the church along with leading activities for all ages and visiting AIDS patients.

Brenda and Hannah were surprised by the arrival of two Children of Promise during our orientation... Both children sat quietly with excitement in their eyes while we finished up our meeting. The adults were just as excited! What a joy! (Hannah met with Carol Bentley's child while Brenda got some quality time with hers.)

We ask for your prayers as we start our next adventure tomorrow.


sherryLsmith said...

Woo-Hoo!! Thank God you all are safe!!!! We pray for great health, increased stamina, and eternal friendships made!

Our love to you all!
Sherry and Greg & Boys

Debbie Pauly said...

Hello Team 1,
So excited for you all! Praising God with you all for the safe travels, all the luggage making it,and for the Henry's family reunion!!! Just to hear you describe the trip with all the smells, sights, and sounds takes me back...My heart leaps for all the stories and experience's you'll bring back with you. Please blog as much as possible. I have had you all on my heart & mind since you left. Tell the Stevensons hi and those sweet young lady's that know how to cook Miss Uness & Miss Lancy. Oh and Larry give warthog Dog a big kiss from me too! LOL
Have a wonderful adventure,and I will keep you in my daily thoughts & prayers. Many Blessings

Jeanne said...

Judy, Jerry & the rest of Team 1: Am thankful you had a safe trip. Looking forward to reading about the work activities and progress, social times, and epiphanies throughout this incredible journey.

~ Love and prayers, Jeanne

Sharon Taylor said...

Praise God for your safe arrival! May your mission be accomplished with the "Word of God" implanted to everyone's hearts you all come across. We'll all be awaiting posts with *Hopefully* some pics :D

Hugs to ya Sis, Carla and Janelle!
Love Sister

sherryLsmith said...

Song for Debbie Henry:


In honor of your birthday we're all having a diet coke!

Miss you all!!!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Hey Mom, I can't remember when you are supposed to be back from the village. But I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you!! Give Carla and Janelle hugs for me too!! I hope you all are having a very blessed trip.

I hope you got to see my girl mom..

Debbie Pauly said...
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