Monday, October 26, 2009

Let It Rain...

We awakened to sunshine on Sunday anticipating another beautiful day. But God had other plans.

Our team was asked to split up so three churches could have visitors - the people here are ALMOST as excited to see us as they were to see the King! Just think how much commotion and celebration will accompany the return of the King of Kings!

Pastor John was assigned 'sermon duty' at Kasubi which is the Churoh of God East Africa headquarters. Cheri took on the responsibility at the Mutungo church which we built two years ago. And Jerry was 'pseudo-pastor' at Murchison Bay, where many orphans are schooled.

We arrived at the churches almost simultaneously with the rain. Inside the churches, some of us were protected from the pouring rain once inside the church, but the glassless windows at Murchison Bay and the driving wind had us shifting from side to side to avoid an unintentional baptism.

The rain pounding on the roofs was in harmony with the drums - a crescendo of hail added to the 'musical' mix of instruments and voices. The praise and worship continued until God calmed the storm. Then testimonies and messages were offered in each church - unaware of what each speaker would say, the theme was consistent. Amazing how we find God's hand in everything.

Following services, we all met in Mutungo for lunch and a program in our honor. Some of the Children of Promise made their way to their sponsors, recognizing them immediately even after a one or two year separation! More singing, dancing and sharing from the Children of Promise, the TAPP women and the Central Community Nursery students and teachers. What a wonderful work is being done here through all of these programs.

After the program, we met with the sponsored children - hugging, crying, laughing... The children are all so precious - it's heartbreaking to know many do not have sponsors and are unable to attend school or have any hope of a better life. In Norm's words, 'perhaps we need to learn to live with less so we can give more.' However, we also see such love and faith in these children that it's makes it hard to know what 'a better life' looks like. Praise God that through our faith we have the certainty of spending eternity with Him without the trials of this earth.

Our bags are being loaded on top of the vans as we prepare to leave for the next village. Keep us in your prayers as we leave for three nights in Kabasule.


City girl turned Country Girl said...

I am praying for the safety of you all. What great things you have accomplished already!! I so wish I could have been there to see my girl!! Thanks mom for being there for me!! Can't wait to hear from you all again.

Praying for you all!!

Love you Mom, Janelle, and Carla!!

Sharon Taylor said...

Sis, I read Carla and Janelle's post, I can't wait to hear what happened - I pray your entire team stays protected within God's hedge. Did you see Oscar? I think we will have to do party night when you girls return for pictures. Love you and wish you were here today for my birthday! Miss you.Love Sis

Debbie Pauly said...

Wow! After reading your blog my heart is racing from all the excitment! I wished i could of been there to see my little boy too! I also heard from John Kennedy from Nebbi.He got to see and hear Cherri's message on blessings at Mutungo church he was so happy to see you all again, and how God had him there at the same time to meet up with the familar faces from last year. Oh how i wished i could of been there. (God willing next year)!
So thank you for this amazing blog it is the next best thing to being there! Praying for God's face to keep shining upon all of you. keep up the awesome work.

sherryLsmith said...

Hello Friends!

Greg is packing up his suitcase tonight to have it ready for tomorrow night's weigh-in. Are there any last minute requests from Team 1 that Team 2 should bring along?

It's just so sad to hear about the unsponsored children who obviously so desperately need the provision of money, schooling, and everything else we Americans take for granted. I feel it necessary to say 'YES' one more time, to yet one more child, knowing God will always provide.

I appreciate each one of you, and praise God for your faithfulness to work just a little harder, loose a little more sleep, eat a little something that just can't be identified, and basically fulfill the Great Commission. You are the hands and feet of Christ for the church!

Weather is looking good for your return - also the day of our Trunk/Treat event. Can't wait to see you Sunday!


Anonymous said...

We love you Grandma and Grandpa (Jerry and Judy). Get home to us safely.

Triston, Emma, and Sophie

Emma says, if you see any elephants say hi from her!

Anonymous said...

I love you and miss you.
love tanner

Sharon Taylor said...

Good Morning Crew! Were getting tons of rain here this Thursday morning, made me think of you all :D
Praying your mission is being accomplished, and you all return back to the states safe!

Love you,