Friday, October 2, 2009

Preparations Are Being Made for the 2009 Trips

Team One will leave October 17 for Uganda. During their first week, they will travel back to Kasenke church in the Western region of Uganda. The Kasenke Church had to relocate because of a dispute over land ownership so two years ago many of our team began work on the foundation for the new church building. On this trip, they will complete the building and dedicate the church along with working with the kids, youth, women and men, TAPP (Tumaini AIDS Prevention Program)visits, and pastoral training sessions. On Sunday, they will worship with the Mutungo Church, visit Children of Promise and then on Monday depart for Kabaule Church in Bugwere. After a week of completing the building of this church along with ministry opportunities, this church will also be dedicated.

Team Two leaves Wichita on October 31. They will complete the church building in Kamuli Town in East Uganda. They, too will have ministry opportunities with the kids, women, youth, men and pastors along with TAPP home visits. After a church dedication service, this group will depart for Ngora near Kumi. Along with ministry opportunities, they will complete the church and have a church dedication service. They will return to Nampunge which was built by 2008's Team Two, reconnect with the people there, have programs and lunch with them and then return to Kampala.

Please be in prayer for our teams and come and show your support at our Gospel Music for Missions Night on Sunday, October 11. We will have a carry in dinner at 6:00 pm in the Atrium, followed by worship and a focus on this year's trip to Uganda.

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