Friday, May 21, 2010

Uganda, Here We Come!

On June 5, nine High School and College Students and five adults will leave Wichita to travel through Chicago, then London and Nairobi to land in Entebbe, Uganda late on June 6. After Orientation and some repacking on Monday, we will leave for islands in Lake Victoria on June 8. We will work on buildings, do activities with kids and some evangelism projects on Wednesday and Thursday and then return to Kampala on Friday. On Saturday the group will leave for a two day Safari in Queen Elizabeth Park. On Monday we will go to Lira for evangelism projects, activities with the kids and home visits. We will return to Kampala on Thursday and then prepare on Friday for departure on Saturday.

Please pray with us for a safe journey and a meaningful one. Pray that each traveler will sense the presence of God and be led by His Spirit as we reach out in His love to the people we encounter on our journey. As we complete the final preparations for our trip, pray that God will lead us to pack everything needed for this mission to Uganda.


Dan and Michelle Mueller said...

God speed to the June 2010 team. We are blessed to have two of our own kids in your group and are very grateful for allowing them to join you all. Thanks especially for helping Gabby fit in all the way from Indonesia! May the Lord give you strength for each new day ahead, wisdom as you encounter new things, and His eyes and ears to see where He is working and how each of you can join Him in it. We love you guys! - Dan and Michelle Mueller

Anonymous said...

God woke me up at 6:28a.m (wichita time), to pray for all of you as you went through customs, gathered baggage. also i saw each of you clearly as if i was with you & prayed for you to be well & strengthened as your journey continued & for your minds to be clear & focused!! at 6:53a.m. i was relaxed & released from prayer time to sleep a bit. Work as a team as He will enpower you when your strength fails, His doesn't! continueing in prayer for you all, laura camp

Jerry and Judy Scholl said...

We're so excited for all the ' Uganda newbies' on this team who will be experiencing God's love beyond your wildest expectations! Be prepared to be changed!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and all the people you will encounter on your trip. May God's Love shine through you. Waiting anxiously to see your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Have a safe and blessed adventure! We at East High are looking forward to hearing all about the learning and wisdom you gained through this work!

--Lawna Kurtyka