Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting There is Half the Journey

Hey all of you at home following our every move. Sorry we haven't been able to get on and let you all know what we've been up to, but we've got things worked out with the Internet now and so here I am.
International flying is always an experience, and this trip was no exception. Here are a few highlights:
When we first arrived at the airport we were informed that we wouldn't have to pay for any of our second bags and that they were checked all the way to Uganda.
*After a smooth flight to Chicago we spent a couple of hours in the airport just eating and waiting, but the biggest deal was the unhappy Asian ladies in the food court. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT?" they would yell at us.... jeez.... I thought one might murder me when i put my spoon in the wrong place at the icecream counter.
* The flight from Chicago to London was filled with very "charismatic" people. A few of us made some friends from places such as Bulgaria and Russia, it's always nice to meet new people. But by far, the most memorable people on our flight were our super perky male flight attendant who often shouted "hands shoulders knees and toes!!!!" to make sure that we didn't get smashed as he made his way down the aisle. The other memorable character was a girl about 10 years old who spoke Russian, ran down the aisles, called her mom stupid(often) and told her to shut up, and and ordered five beverages at a time.... Makes for a good story I guess.
* We all got a huge blessing when the flight took off from London to Nairobi with less than half of the seats filled, we all got a chance to spread out and sleep.
* We also got a chance to meet a little bit of star when we were on the plane from Nairobi to Uganda when we found out (thanks to Abigail) that Tommy Hilfiger. I happened to get his autograph on the back of my boarding pass...SWEET!
* The last, and unfortunate, little tid bit from our travels: all of our bags arrived here safely except for Gabby's, we've officially decided that that girl is trouble, well, at least her bags.
We're here, we're safe, and we're all really excited. Thanks to all of you who are praying, we love you and we'll see you soon.
On behalf of my crazy comrades,
This is allie

P.S. There are so many stories , there's no way I could fit them all here, but I'm sure you'l;l get an earfull when we all get home.


sherryLsmith said...

Wow! Awesome! So glad to hear you all are well and have had such a great journey so far! Am praying for a safe trip on the boat, and an amazing trip on the island filled with God's blessings, for you and for the people!!! Looking forward to hearing all the stories and seeing all the pictures. Please would someone give my son a squeeze from his momma!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Gabs, I'm so sorry to hear that your bag got lost, AGAIN. That's 2 contintenents in the last 7 days... hope your fellow comrades will pitch in and share... I'm sure they will take great care of you. I'm telling you, we need to ditch that suitcase, it's a magnet for airport black holes!

May you all have an amazing time serving and ministering at the islands on the lake. May the people there see the Love of God in you, and may you experience the Love of God from them.

We look forward to hearing what the Lord has done this first week when you get back to Kampala.

May the Lord guide you by the power of His Holy Spirit, may you each walk in obedience to Him where ever He leads you and in whatever circumstance He places you in, and may you learn to trust in and rely on Him every step of the way. And hey, safety and protection would be great too!

We love you all,
Dan and Michelle Mueller

...greg smith said...

Tell Scott we talked with Verizon and he should take his phone's battery out for 3 minutes and then put it back in the phone. That should reset the phone to work with the internet. If that doesn't work, you can call them (for free) at 908-559-4899. Praying for y'all!

Anonymous said...

"chuckle" Sounds like a very interesting trip so far. Thanks for keeping us updated.
We are praying for you back here, and will be all week. Staying in the school, meeting the people, and seeing life as you have never seen it before will leave an impression upon your life that is priceless.
You are blessed

MillieMom said...

Finally I was able to open the Blog. I enjoy your writings and appreciate you trying to keep us up to date. I hope all is well with everyone there. What has your Dad and Evan been doing? I was hoping for news from them also. We think about you all (that's Arkie talk) daily and have you and your concerns in our prayers. Love you bunches...........MillieMom