Thursday, June 17, 2010

God is at work in the city of Lira

Hey there everybody! Lira was an experience that I don't think any of us will ever forget. It was the day after an extremelly uncomfortable and very long trip from the safari. We, once again, jumped into the van and drove, to the city of Lira. Surprisingly the roads were very smooth for most of the way there, a rarity here in Uganda. We entered Lira and arrived at our "Hotel". A 5 star hotel couldn't be better than what was waiting for us there. From having holes in concrete and basins of water for bathing we went to hot showers, an actual bathroom, and beds. God blessed us so much with that hotel. When we arrived to Reverend Martin's house a group of ladies greeted us with loud trills that resembles a fire alarm at our schools. The next morning, after a well needed hot shower, we arrived at the school. There were kids everywhere! Some of us went and played with the kids and others went on the Tapp visits. The stories of the people that are a part of Tapp are just heart wrenching! Some are blind, some are just skin and bone, and yet some are active and happy and have such hope! The Lord has taken their pain, suffering, and in the face of death they found hope, joy, and a relationship with God. On our last day some children performed a dance for us, except there was a twist. They pulled us up with them to dance with them. I'm telling you, it was a workout! When we left the next day we stopped at a Tech School in Lira. It's built in an area where have died and were murdered. God has taken death, and brought life, light, and hope.
Praise God and God bless!

1 comment:

sherryLsmith said...

Wow, Cameron! Amazing! such poverty. such illness. Yet such hope. How could we ever complain about anything back here in the U.S. when you have seen and experienced such HOPE in severe adversity and tragic circumstances. So glad you got to do some dance aerobics! I hope God uses you to bring that enthusiasm home to our church! Can't wait to see you, son! We miss you so much! Mom