Monday, June 7, 2010

Just FYI

Okie Dokie followers, we're headed off to some local islands on Lake VIctoria tommorrow and we won't be back until the 11th. We'll be taking a boat out there (about three hours on the water) and staying in a school, working with the community, and doing some evangelism. Once again thanks for the prayer and we love you all.
On behalf of my crazy comrades,


Marilyn Harris-Goertz said...

This message is for Larry & Cheri Clark re: Mechanical Inspection on Mona. Leaks in bsmt. under kitchen sink & bathroom tub, a couple of electrical concerns, & also want a safety evaluaton of the furnace, cleaning & servicing if needed. Is it OK for me to get qualified technicians out to check these items out & make necessary repairs? Buyers want to close the week of the 21st. if possible! Hope everyone is doing well! Love you all!


Anonymous said...

This message is for Abigale Rich from Kerri Harris. Hi, I hope your having fun in Africa :) See you when you get back!

-Kerri Harris

Anonymous said...

continued prayers for safety, wellness & rest for the busy times. can't wait to hear what all God has/is doing through each of you & in each of you.
tell nathanael, his momma wants to hear his voice so to write something!! ;) be safe you guys!!