Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 2 at Kasubi

We arrived at Kasubi and immediately went to work. Some went to teach pastors and teachers. Others went on TAPP client visits. Another group spent time with Children of Promise kids.

This is a special opportunity to love on those children many of us at Central have sponsored. We thank God for all those who've made a sacrifice for a child in this part of the world.

However, the need is so great. While gifts to your sponsored children were given, we noticed that other unsponsored children looked on. Some of (hese children in a local school sleep on concrete floors and sit on rough stones for studying. However, we were able to purchase and distribute mattresses and many other needed items that the church was able to provide through the special offering we gathered on Oct. 31. We thank God for the generosity of His church!

Do you already sponsor a child? Keep praying for him or her (or them). If you don't currently sponsor a child, prayerfully consider how you might be able to make a difference in the present life and eternity of a life (and his or her family) here in Uganda.

Tomorrow: we travel to Nebbi!


Anonymous said...

Hug Jolly and Martin for me. The people you are traveling to work with tomorrow are so special to me. I can't wait to hear about your experience. I had a new donation come in today for you to help a widow with so please be watching for someone God would have you bless through a goat or cow project and let us know about it.Safe travels.


Angie Love said...

We continue to keep you all close in prayer. It warms my heart to imagine the team giving out the mattresses and gifts to the children. It sounds like it was bittersweet, seeing those standing by who did not receive anything. I am sure that my little Robert will share with all his brothers & sisters. I pray that God will enable us all to do more for our missions. We look forward to your safe return & hearing your stories. Make sure that Andrea gets lots of hugs and that she boards the return flight. Take Care, Angie Love

City girl turned Country Girl said...

I so worried about the children who don't have a sponsor when I was purchasing gifts for my Child of Promise...It did break my heart to think that another child would witness her getting her gifts and feel sad. I hope and pray that we get more sponsors for these children! And for those of you who may be considering sponsoring a child I encourage you to do so! It is such a great thing to receive a letter from your child and see the progress they have been making! I am blessed to be able to sponsor a child and maybe one day I can take on another child to sponsor!

Momma~ I miss hearing from you! Love you and talk with you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom!(Carla) Cant wait to see you! We'll be in Wichita the 22nd so I hope your off that day! Love ya Em