Monday, November 15, 2010

Nebbi - Day 3

On Sunday, we divided into 4 groups with folks in each group that would preach, offer greetings, a testimony, and at least in one case, a song or two. Each group was warmly welcomed. The Ugandan people are so pleased that we've come so far to see them. For the most part, they've known in advance that we were coming and prayed for us. These are a praying people!

After services, we met in the guest house for lunch and Sunday relaxing - we napped, wrote in our journals, read, or talked. Then, afterward, we went back to the Nebbi Town Church for a time of fellowship. This was definitely a celebration of the church and other leaders from the surrounding area praising God and thanking Him for all He has done and continues to accomplish. Of course, they placed us, the visitors, at the front in places of recognition. Rev. Martin, the regional evangelist (region leader), led the time together and interpreted for us. Tim Stevenson spoke, they presented gifts (including a goat) - all very humbling as they gave out of their substance for us. We sang, they sang, they danced, and we tried.

They performed a few skits, also. One skit acted out common circumstances of tough family dynamics due to alcohol abuse of the father and how he eventually received Christ to be "born again" - an understandably important phrase to the Ugandan Christians. The other skit illustrated the story of the prodigal son. It was interesting to observe how the multiple cultures laugh or otherwise respond differently to elements of the skits than one another.

After the service, we went back to the guest house for dinner and devotions, and practicing our songs for the dedication service the following day.

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