Monday, November 8, 2010

We're here!

After over 24 hours of flight and bus travel, we made it to the Stevenson's compound in Kampala. All the luggage made it except one storage bin which should be available to us on Tuesday. We got in late and stayed up late getting settled into our rooms and talking. The first day is typically spent preparing for the trip: reorganizing bins, last minute teaching prep, etc. A trip to the bank is part of the day, as well, to exchange dollars for shillings for helping the churches as well as for personal spending needs.

Of course, there is also a little nap time to acclimate to the 9 hour time difference between Wichita and Kampala. Whew! We are NOT in Kansas anymore.

Thankful for God's protection and providence. Praying for Him to receive all the glory as He enables us to be His servants here in Uganda.


sherryLsmith said...

What an answer to prayer that you, and all but one of the pieces of luggage, have arrived, and on time!! Thank you for keeping up updated and we pray God's blessing on the duration of this visit! Miss you, Greg!

Sharon Taylor said...

Wowser! You all sound busy there, really liked the facebook update :D thxs for that... You all enjoy spreading the word of God but be safe! xoxo
Dang... cant seem to get system to let me leave my comment so I'm trying the url way.. guess I could open a goggle account. Hmm...

City girl turned Country Girl said...

SO glad to hear you all made it safe and sound! Will be thinking about you and praying for you all.

Love you Momma!

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys made it there safely. Seems your are having a good time and helping a lot. You all are amazing for the things you do! Cant wait for your return and to here the stories. Love you mom (Carla) Em and girls