Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Home Visits

Tuesday the first group went to visit those with Aids in their homes. Cheri, Ruth, Sherril, Ron, Carla were in the first group. The first home we went to was very small. We sat on little basket weave three legged stools. It was a one room home with a curtain to separate the sleeping area from the sitting area. Smeone was letting Jane use the home. No running water, no electricity and a dirt floor that was covered with handwoven mats. Jane, the woman of the home has Aids and her husband left when he found out. She has no income and basically lives on the goodwill of her neighbors who have just a bit more than her. Her son, Richard is one of the Children of Promise that someone from our church is sponsoring. She also had a daughter. Sherril prayed for her after we talked a while. We all were in tears. The only hope in her life is Christ. She is a church member and has been one of our cooks so we had met her at the church.

The next home was the mom named Constance with three daughters and five grandkids. All have Aids except the youngest daughter, Cissy who is sponsored by Terri. Her oldest daughter has gone back to the village to die because there is no way to bury someone in their financial state in Kampala. They still have relatives in a nearby village. Her middle daughter isn't married and has two children, one only a year old. Cissy is 12 and very smart. Her favorite subject in school is English. She speaks it really well. Constance makes and sells handcrafted mats and other items for the little money she can get. Constances's husband died 6 years ago. What a large burden this courageous woman carries. There are 12 living in this one room home.

At the last home we visited we were warmly greeted by Hajara (sp?). She is 4 years old and the little girl Janelle sponsors. She was jumping up and down with excitement and smiles because she was so excited that we were there. She warmly welcomed us into her two room house. It had a cement floor and even nice furniture. The mother had been a teacher until she lost her job because of the stigma of Aids. The mother became a Christian as a child but married a Muslim. Hajara goes to Sunday School and is learning about Jesus. The father is open to her doing this. He is also unemployed and was out looking for enough work to provide food for the family for the day. Mother, Father and Hajara all have Aids. There are also 9 and 12 year old boys who do not have Aids. The mother found out she had Aids when she became pregnant with Hajara.

There are so many needs here that the Children of Promise is only sponsoring one child per family. Everyone values education and wants their children to go to school but it costs $25 per term (3 terms a year) for each child to go and most people don't have that kind of money. Constance does laundry for only 10 cents a load so you can see how little the people here get for their labor. We have men working at the job site for $5.00 a day.

It's amazing how powerful the Children of Promise is. The children come to church and bring their parents and this provideds needed hope for the family. Janelle is determined to bring home 50 more kids for the church to support so start praying. We will be looking for sponsors and having met these beautiful children we are very passionate!

Today and tomorrow two other groups will go on visitation. Tonight we will have the first church service on site with the church. Now we're off to the job site.


Anonymous said...

Sis... Thanks for the email that you've arrived, and the update on what all you've witness so far this trip, I know you and Carla are having the Spiritual time of your life - Praise God you all were all able to make the trip, just be sure to come home - Ha! I wanted to pass along some exciting news I heard yesterday:Christopher Lee has been saved and knows it's because of God he has made it thru his boot camp, I guess he is going to have PSALMS 23 tatoo'd on his back, because the verse means so much to him. Remember you all are in my prayers. Love Sister

Anonymous said...

Cheri, who is driving the vans to pick you up from the airport? I'm in the process of finding a replacement driver for the second van for Team #2 and need to know if you need me to find drivers for Team #1 as well.


Tina said...

Thank you for sharing about the home visits. Those are humbling testimonies. How is the church building coming and have you had a break in the rain. Keeping you all in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

I"m thinking that God is preparing team II for the weather there. We woke up this morning (Wed) with thunder and lightening and it has rained off and on all day. My heart goes out to ALL you are experencing and can't wait to experience it as well. I can only imagine what part we are playing in the lives of the people there and they in our life. Did any one in Team I take that jetlag stuff and did it help?

julie said...

Mom (Ruth), I feel like part of me is there with you. After reading about your home visits, I know you are being impacted far beyond what we imagined. Those moms, dads, and grandparents love their kids as much as we love ours - I can't imagine how hard it must be to live like this. And Mom, I've already collected several bags of little toys, shoes, and clothes to send with team 2 for the children because I know what you're thinking! The kids miss Nana, but they're proud that you're representing us. I'm praying for all of the team every day. love, Julie

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cheri for taking the time to share about daily I read every blog entry and every comment. It sounds like ya'll hit the door running. It sounds like the home visits will forever change the team members' perspective on life here in America.

Mom (Ruth),
It feels so strange w/o you here. But, I know you & the team are doing crucial, life-changing work! I hope you're getting the chance to love on those Ugandan babies as much as you'd be loving on Tessa here. After all, it sounds like they need a Nana that is really good at that.

Many prayers for you all and the mission, every day.

Love, Jenni

Anonymous said...

Tammy hope you are doing well. Just coming back from Missouri and visiting with Courtney. She's still growing. I'll keep you in my prayers. God bless all of you.
