Saturday, October 27, 2007

Team 2 is Headed to Uganda TODAY!

In less than 8 hours (4:30 p.m. CST), Team 2 will be on our way - destination Kampala, Uganda Africa. We may even have the chance to wave at Team 1 as they arrive home in Wichita around 4:00 p.m. just prior to our departure!

Due to the generosity of so many, the 16 plastic containers we're taking are overflowing with items for the Kampala people and our host missionaries. Thanks to all who supported the missions in that way and to all who have committed to praying for us.

What a privilege to serve God in such an exciting way!


Anonymous said...

Judy and Jerry - My prayers and thoughts are with you both. I will pray for the entire team and will send prayers of safety and peace. God bless!!! Debbie

Anonymous said...

God Bless you all! The Cobb Family will be praying for your mission. Mom, (Norma Cobb) take care and have a productive and blessed trip. Love, the Cobb Family

Blessed by God said...

Hey team two, I guess you are there at the Stevenson's by now, and pinching yourselves to make sure you are really there. I will be praying for your time there. We set up our table this morning and sold quite a few necklaces and most of the purses already. Maybe you should bring some more purses back with you. Also, a couple of messages. will you let Colleen and Linda know Precious, whose mother is Jacquilyn has a sponcer. We found someone to sponcer her today. Ron from maintance would like someone to bring him back one of the tunic type shirts, with a matching hat from Linda at church, wll someone do that? And please bring me one more machetti? I brought back three in my checked luggage but need one more, I think Colleen still has a couple that someone from our group changed their mind on. Most of all, enjoy yourselves, praise God for His Goodness of sending us, and let the women at the church know we miss every one already. Thanks, Terri

Anonymous said...

Bob and Carolee - Have a good journey. Will be praying for you and your team. Love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Team Two, It was good seeing you at the airport. By now I'm sure you are already loving Africa! The long flight sure leaves something to be desiredm though, doesn't it? One good thing is that the trip home isn't nearly as difficult. Could you do something for me? One thing I forgot was to get a brick for myself from the job site. I have a brick collection and would love to have a brick from the church, if someone wouold bring one back for me. Tell Tim and Colleen hello for me and tell the church ladies I'm missing their good cooking. We love you guys and will keep you in our prayers. Cheri

Anonymous said...

Mom and Jerry - Wonderful news to hear you made it! I can only imagine what you are doing right now across the world and who's lives you might be changing.

God is smiling,