Friday, September 12, 2008

The Container Arrives in Mombasa!

In May of this year, we packed a 40 foot container full of medical supplies, clothes, books and lots of miscellaneous items. It was shipped from Houston, Texas, USA to Mombassa, Kenya by ship to then travel across Kenya to Kampala, Uganda. It has had an interesting journey traveling first to China then India and now today we learn that it has arrived in Mombassa and is now in Customs. We thank God for its arrival and pray that the two week anticipated journey to Kampala will go on without a hitch so that Team Two will still be in Uganda when it arrives in Kampala.


Anonymous said...

Team one I hope you had safe travel to uganda and I pray that God will use you in a wonderful way. Kim I am especially thinking of you and this commitment you have made. God bless all of you, I can't wait to return to uganda, only 2 short weeks away.

God be with you

Anonymous said...

Hi mama and team 1. Dakotah and I have been praying for your safe arrival. I know you are off for your 5 day trip so God bless and I hope you are having an amazing journey.

Love you,

lisa said...

Good Morning Team one!
Terri, things are going great, it is so relaxing and thank you for asking us to look after your home. As soon as it dries out I am going to mow your yard, but this morning I am reading a book of yours "2008 God's Final Witness". I would love to discuss the topic when you get back. Carla is doing well, her spirits are High. Saturday Laramie spent the day with her while I worked, and had a great time, they went to the Mall and then walked home. I know Laramie had to of wore her out!(You know how busy Lara is) Missed you yesterday at church but I am happy you are there. I pray you have the best time and I know you will share the abundance of love you have with all you come in contact with. Give my love to all.

Andrea said...

Hello Team One!
Glad to hear of your safe arrival. 3 totes, not bad (Hope you'll get them soon.) God Bless you all & enjoy the journey!