Friday, September 12, 2008

A Great Send Off!

Our evening started with a potluck carry in meal. Lots of food and lots of fun was had by all. After dinner the group adjourned to the Activity Center for a wonderful evening of worhip! 350 people joined together to worship God and enthusiastically send off the two mission teams who will be traveling to Uganda later this month. Kimberly Toupin shared thoughts on why she feels called to minister to the people in Uganda by staying for four weeks this year. We viewed many pictures from the trips to Uganda last year while we worshipped God with wonderful old Gospel songs. Jonathan Grubbs commissioned the teams as family and friends came up to lay hands on the team members and pray. A love offering of over $2000 was given to be used as God leads on needs that He shows the teams while in Uganda. What a great send off!

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