Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, as you have heard, we of Team 2 have arrived. Finally! After hours and hours in the airplane/airports. Trying to sleep on the crowded plane and almost getting there only to be awakened to “would you like some lunch?” or Hilary's favorite “would you like some ice cream?” She said she was sound asleep but as soon as she heard those words her eyes opened!

Speaking of Hilary, we are happy she was able to join us. For some unknown reason her alarm clock and her mom's didn't go off and she work up @ 5:20! We were worried but God knew that she needed to be with us and got her to the airport in plenty of time!

We arrived safe and sound and Praise God! All of our luggage and tubs made it, too. Our hosts are very gracious and the food that they prepare is wonderful. Last night we had soup, bread and cookies and this evening delicious meatballs with rice and many yummy side dishes. Now, you might wonder why I am including this. In my family, food is a way of showing that you care and I know that my Mom and through her my Grandmother will be reading this and I thought it would be fun to share how some of the simpler things are here. Although, when you have worked all day, having a delicious supper is not simple matter! :-)

Our group had orientation this morning and then we were off to see the Heritage International School. It is very beautiful and laid out so nicely. I would have enjoyed seeing more of the classroom and children (for those of you who don't know, I am an ESOL teacher and school is really important to me) but I know that I will have opportunities to see more schools soon.

While we were at HIS we painted some cabinets that Team 1 had started painting -they put the primer on and we painted over them with silver. Some of the men worked on a fence, a few people tried to lay out a volleyball court and then we swept the volleyball court and began painting it. It was a busy day and we were grateful for our supper when we returned to the Stevensons' home.

Well, I will finish for now. I hope they don't regret putting me on the blog! I do tend to ramble somewhat. I do want to tell my family(Fred, Alysa, Christopher, Vanessa, Mom, Grandma, Mae, Bill) that I love you and I miss you! Also, hi to all my co-workers!

I will write more tomorrow evening.



CCC Kids Ministry said...

Hello Friends! Sherry Smith here. All is well. Pastor Boots did a great job yesterday, and worship in service was AWESOME! Go God! Had one computer crash on 1st level. GREAT puppet show during Wee Worship! Still, smooth great morning.

Our family had a special blessing this weekend: Greg went to the airport to greet Team #1 on their return and amazingly ran into a friend - my best friend from 10 years go - in the Wichita airport. These are friends who we were very close to while living in GERMANY (10 years ago), where we all attended the English speaking church in Stuttgart! The family now lives in Memphis, TN and were on the flight to Wichita from Memphis to pick up a help dog in Concordia, KS for the son who has diabetes. We have been reunited all weekend and have enjoyed lots of pictures and laughs and not a whole lot of sleep. God is so amazing to align friends, old and new, in an airport on a Saturday night.

With that in mind, I know each of you will make friendships over the next two weeks that will be life changing. You will return to Kansas with new friends made on foreign soil, and old friends to greet you. We love you all and wish you a great, awesome time as you serve the Lord so humbly! Miss you tons!

Ms. B - your office is so dark and lonely! Would you mind if I turned the lights on to make believe you're here? :)

Anonymous said...

Yay you're getting so much accomplished!! And I miss you too!!! Keep posting!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
Great to see you have hit the ground running! We are so proud of what and especially WHO you represent to the people of Uganda! We are praying for safety, sanity, but most of all effectiveness of your efforts.
If is amazing to be able to keep up with your activities from half way around the world. PLEASE, keep the info coming, so we can feel just a little of what you are living while you serve others for God!
I beat everyone else to it, so I get to be the first to wish Valerie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I so wish we could spend it together, but I know the memories, and blessings she will receive on this special day for her are far more important than what I could want. Team, please make it up for me not being with her, and lift her up on this day. Val, we have the coordinator on hold, ready to leap into action when you get back, and give you a great party! I love you more than I can say!
I have told Val, but really it goes for all of you who are serving; I cannot begin to tell you all how proud I am to know you, and what you are doing. The word “heroes” comes to mind. It may seem trivial, but to place your life on hold to give to others….there really isn’t any better word.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and come back to us better than when you left. We can’t wait to hear the stories!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you guys made it there safely! A little longer flight than 24 hours, huh? I'm glad that you're doing ok and I miss you Mom. And I get to be the second person to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that it's a good one, and I can't wait to see you when you get back. I'll try and pick up a little something for you. :D Anyway, I love you a lot, and stay safe over there. Not just you, but everyone. Stay safe, and have fun.

P.S.- Bring me back a lion! Or a pygmy, or a pygmy lion!

Anonymous said...

Your Grandma & Mom are so pround of you & we also wish you a happy birthday. We are praying for all of you to have a great time in the Lord & a safe time. We will read the blog every day, keep it coming.

Roxanne said...

Hey Cuz! It's amazing what you and the mission are doing!!!! This will be a very memorable birthday for you. Have a Happy, Happy Birthday!

Love & miss you!

Anonymous said...

We're joyfully and sometimes tearfully reliving our experiences from last year through the blog. What a blessing technology can be!

Kimberly, we loved hearing about your 'everyday' activities with Glenna!

We'll be praying for Team 2! God is working in Africa through you. As my daughter wrote last year, God is smiling...

Blessings to all,
Jerry & Judy

Anonymous said...

Hey team 2 glad you made it safe and sound. I was on team 1 and know exactly what you are saying about the flight.some of us aired up our mattress in Asterdam airport to get rest on the way down. keep up the good work, and believe me the stevensons know how to take good care of you, so you are in good hands! I recieved a e-mail from one of my new friends from Uganda, His name is John Kennity, He is keeping me in touch with him and all the friends God brought into my life from Uganda. so be prepared to make many new friends that will still your heart! God has already opened so many doors in just the 2 days i have been home, to speak to people to sponsor a child of promise. although my journey in Uganda has came to an end, How God wants to use my voice for them here has just begun. keep on bloggin and my thoughts and prayers are with you all continually. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Val!

Kathleen & Michael
techie volunteers

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Val! Glad to hear that things are starting well. Thanks for making the sacrifices to be there! Susan Schrag

Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity and what great sacrifices! Thank you to each of you for what you are doing. I've always wanted to go to Africa and haven't been able, so thank you also for the blog so I can get a taste of what it is really like there. It's also nice to hear what my friends from KS are doing now that I'm living in AZ. And of course, I can't forget to wish my good friend Valerie a very happy birthday. Naturally, Fred beat me to it, but what can I say, KS is ahead of AZ by 2 hours. Well, as I'm wrapping up my day you are all probably just getting yours started. I wish you all well and am praying for your safety, much success, many happy memories, and many saved souls.
Take care,
Cheri Bennett

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Val! I hope you have a great birthday in Uganda. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...


Good luck with your new day, team 2!!

<3 alysa

ps~ mom, i want a pygmy lion, too, please!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone - it's Patti. We're are enjoying the beautiful surroundings, and hospitality of our missionary hosts, Tom and Colleen. We sang Happy Birthday to Val at breakfast and are ready to embark on today's adventures locally. It has already been a blessed experience and we're only beginning. To all my friends, family and supporters, I love you and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve our Holy Father in Uganda. Please stay updated through our blogs. We are having such a great time and our team is full of comedians - I look forward to the days ahead ... until next time ...

Anonymous said...

Oh,my goodness, thank you so much for all of the comments! And Happy Birthday wishes! It is so good to hear from all of you. And whoever that was that took Fred out for me; oh ha ha. :-)

I was surprised with a birthday song at breakfast and Brenda and I shared a prayer together this morning. She is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to finish! You know I would write more, right?

We're getting ready to go to a village (don't remember the name) and do some home visits because today is Eid (a holiday for Ramadan) so most of the school children will be off. Darn!

I will write more tonight after supper and KP duty. It's my turn.

I love you all so much and miss you. I can't believe you're still asleep. Alysa and Christopher, I will see what I can do about the pygmy lion. :-)

See you soon,
Valerie (Mom)

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you had a good trip and all your luggage madeit,
I also want to wish you a Happy Birthday, This will be a birthday you will always remember. -Chuck Miller

Anonymous said...

From Across the Earth!

Praying for you today:
We bring the Kingdom of God, the authority of Jesus Christ, the fullness of His Cross, Resurrection and Ascension over the CCC Mission Team, over their homes and families and over this assignment. We declare Jesus Christ to be Lord of this mission, Lord of this team.
We bring the Kingdom of God, the authortiy of Jesus Christ and the full work of Jesus Christ against every foul spirit and every foul power coming against this mission. For God says,
"Captives will be taken from warriors and plunder retrieved from the fierce. I will contend with those who contend with you." Together we bind weariness, apprehension, disbelief, irritation, doubt, divisiveness, isolation, distraction, untruth and an unwillingness to open up. We bring the full work of Christ against these enemies in Jesus'name.
Give your team strength and your spirit. Let them be as one body contending for the faith. Let them follow your counsel and let you lead. Keep them and their households in health. Give them your heart and mind for this mission and for those they are serving. May they be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the streams of water in a desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.
We pray in the authority and the name of Jesus Christ and for His glory.
Michelle and David Perkins

My Recent Favorite Books said...

Im glad everyone made it safely~
I enjoyed looking at your blog, thanks!

al and sharon said...

Hi Family,
I am in awe of what you have accomplished so far for the Glory of God!!
A little church out here in goddard says.."God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called." I am sure some of you feel that you were not as qualified as you would hope for this but God wants you to know HE Called You and You answered and He is Qualifing You!! He is truly blessed by your actions..You have pleased the Lord!!
Every night before we call it a day, Al and I go to our room and pray for your safety, your tools and other equipment, your transportation, rather by foot or elephant? and for your beans and rice and other protein that we will not mention.
Just wanted to say Hi and to thank you for going in our place.
Pastor Henry you do a great job and we are blessed by your anointing. (Thank you Deb for sharing him with us all) God bless all of you and your families. Al and Sharon Patchett