Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Last Night in Kampala

We enjoyed our day. It's hard to believe that tonight is our last night here. The time flies so fast!

We enjoyed the day shopping. We went to two different shopping areas and then topped the day off with ice cream and a coke at an Italian fast food place. Yes, there is fast food in Kampala even if it's not exactly what we are used to.

Colleen knows a woman whose profession is to give great massages. Some of the team members were really in need of having their backs lined up in preparation for the long trip home. Some chose not to shop or to come back after an hour in order to enjoy their relaxing day in a different way.

Other team members did laundry and we all repacked and prepared for the busy day tomorrow. We have lots of items packed in totes to bring with us tomorrow to share with the kids and women at the Mutungo church. We are excited to see it and them. We have heard that it has grown so much and there are so many additions since last year. We are also all excited to see our kids again. We will get to spend some real quality time with them.

Tonight we saw a different side of Kampala - the beautiful view from a downtown building where we ate delicious Chineese food. It's so interesting the different areas of the city. Tonight from our view on the veranda outside the building with the city lights all around, you would think we were in a big city anywhere in the US. it was cool outside tonight, something that surprises most of us who haven't been here before. Yes, it does get cool in Africa. The natives actually get goosebumps and put on coats (but for those of us from Kansas, it's not that cold, just a bit cool).

We had a lot of laughter over dinner as we reminisced about all the funny things that happened on our trip. It was a very joyful time to celebrate all that God had shown us and allowed us to experience here. It will be hard to go home tomorrow, we will miss this place and the people we have met both this year and the friends we have reconnected with from last year.

Terri just remarked that you have done a good job when you go home with empty pockets. The majority of people here make their living by small businesses so when we have a massage, or shop or buy an ice cream, we are actually helping to support lots of people who really need our business.

For example, Larry and I have a Child of Promise named Martin whose mom was pregnant with twins when we were here last year. She went into premature labor and almost lost the babies last year while we were here. She had the children but in December her husband left to find work and never returned. She has really struggled with young babies and Martin and no income. Larry and I are going to leave money with Colleen to help her get started in a small business to help support herself and her children. She has been very depressed after being abandoned and is feeling overwhelmed with her responsibilities.

Individual team members invested money to go along with the church money invested in several projects to help the people we've met. We bought Bibles in the language of the people in Nebbi for pastors and churches where Bibles they can read are in high demand. We are purchasing bikes for pastors to provide them transportation. We have purchased goats for widows to give them an income. We have invested in money to finish another classroom for the Mutungo church/school. We are also leaving money for the cost of getting the container out of customs. The container is here and it won't be long till it will be released and delivered to the Stevenson's home. The cost to get it out of customs is estimated at $6000.

Kimberly is downloading pictures from several of the team members. Tim wins the prize for taking the most pictures with 1890 pictures taken. Dan took 1400 so he is in a close second place for taking the most pictures. Kimberly will be staying with Glenna after Team One returns home and hopefully will be able to download some pictures on the blog.

This will be the last time you will hear from us probably before we arrive again in Wichita. We look forward to seeing our families again and all of you and sharing in person lots of the incredible stories we have to tell.

Until then,


jeffswolfepack said...

Well, if you get this before you head home. Mom I haven't heard or said much about Bill.I am in hopes that someone has been looking after his mom. I thought about stopping by just to say although I considerd the fact that she might not remember me and I may end up scaring her more than pleasing her with a visit. Maybe when you guys get home saturday we take the girls and go for some icecream?? Can't wait for you to get home you seem to have been missed more this time than ever before. The stories all have shared are so heartfelt. The story about cheri's child of promise about his mother and her being abanden has really made me thankful for jeff.He took on a lot when he picked me. Give you hugs soon Shannon & The Girls

Anonymous said...

It's so good to finally hear from all of you! In Wednesday Women's Bible Study class we were told that you were in a remote area and didnt have Internet access for a few days. Glad your back! It sounds like you are enjoying your fellowship and it gives me thoughts about wanting to go, too. But, I dont think my family would like me to leave them for a week again. I've had to be gone twice for job training to Cincinnati, OH. Once for one week and once for two weeks. I enjoyed it--Ha! ... but my family didnt handle it well.

I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing from all of you when you get back! And Jennifer, we are all bringing goodie snack food for Wed Women's Bible Study class on Oct. 1st, and we can't wait to hear all about the trip to Africa! :)

Love, Cheryl Zahn-Moore

Anonymous said...
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