Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30, 2008

Wow, what an incredible day! First of all, I have to say thank you to everyone who sent me birthday greetings; that made me feel so loved! And I want to thank my wonderful team since they sang “Happy Birthday” to me at breakfast and made me feel very special.

We went to the Kasubi school today. Unfortunately it was an official Ramadan holiday (Eid) so most of the students were off. That didn't stop us from having exciting plans. The group that I was in (Grant, Mark, Debbie, Alexis and I along with our interpreter Annette and Rose a missionary from Canada) went to do home visits to grandmothers. What a blessing those ladies were! They were so happy to see us and kept thanking us over and over. We were given seats of honor and made to feel like very special guests. We saw one grandmother and her granddaughter peeling bananas and preparing them to steam. They sang songs for us and danced a little. In another home we barely made it into their house before the rains come pouring! They invited us in and we sat on mats and listened as the rain beat down upon their tin roof. Debbie had her feet baptized by the rain! It was almost fully dark but the grandmother instructed her granddaughter to put the lamp on. We sat almost fully in the dark and sang songs and prayed with this family. It was such a surreal feeling but we all could feel the presence of God with us. Praise the Lord!

Others on the team were able to go to Home Visits in the afternoon to the TAPP program (the program to provide assistance to those people with Aids. They were moved as well as they met many families who are enduring heartache and pain and yet are so welcoming to us who visit them.

We were serenaded by the wonderful High School choir with several beautiful songs. A few people got up and danced with them (I won't mention any names but you would know them if I said them!) and it was a blessed experience. We didn't want to leave!

After another wonderful evening meal we had devotions and talked about what is coming up the next few days. We will be going to Nampunge tomorrow afternoon but since we were unable to see the children at the Kasubi school (at least most of them) several of us are going to be teaching! I am so excited about this! Brenda will be teaching P.E., Debbie and Alexis will be teaching the Nursery school (Pre-K) and I get to teach High School Social Studies! I am excited and nervous but looking forward to this. Debbie, Alexis and I got to spend about an hour with eight high school girls this afternoon and what precious young ladies. Please pray for all of us.

After we leave the school it's off to the village of Nampunge! I will try to tell you more about that in the morning but suffice it to say, we won't be back here (except the medical team and they will be coming back in order to get ready for more medical visits) so unless I can get on in the morning, this will be it until Sunday night. Pray for us that God will use us in a mighty and fabulous way.

One more thing: I love this wonderful team! They surprised me with a little Debbie's cake, a birthday card, song and some genuine African articles. I have felt very loved today and I want to thank all of them. They are so loving.

Well, it's time for a shower and then off to bed. Hopefully. We are all still preparing for the morning.

Love and miss you all!



Anonymous said...

Hey Team 2!
It is incredible the impact you are making! I remember when we went to Mississippi, and a gentleman that we weren't even there to help came out in the street, and with tears running down his face, thanked us over and over again for coming to help those that we didn't know. Just your presence there represents the love of God in people's lives that you may never meet again this side of heaven, but the touch you leave on their hearts will last the rest of their, and your, life. Blessings to all, and continued prayer for effective time serving God!

Anonymous said...

Grandma said her church is celebrating 100th anniversary of Church of Nazarene starting at 10:30 with fried chicked for everyone. They will have a tent north of the church and the streets will be blocked off so the kids can play in the street.They will be dressing old fashioned, she will be wearing an old navy long dress with her mink stole that goes around her neck and will wear one of Grandma Oberst's old hats. The hat is dark purple with yellowish flower in front with a circle that goes on the back of her head to keep hat on. She has an old broach to wear on dress. We glad that you had a great birthday. How awesome. We are enjoying the blogs. Love you from both your grandma & mom.

Anonymous said...

High school social studies, huh? Good luck with that! :D I hope that everyone else is doing well and enjoying themselves as much as they can. We're all thinking about you guys and hope that you'll stay safe. Looking forward to seeing you guys in a week and a few days. Have fun and get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

I have a favor to ask you team 2, the TAPP items that Colleen has there is a white (oblong beads) bracelet with black trim, could someone get me 2 of those? I got one for my daugher, and my son and grandson want one also. No big deal if there are not anymore, but I think there were....also I did not get my blouse picked up from Linda on that last day we were there.
Enjoy the village. :)
Terri Fikes

Anonymous said...

Hey Val--
Glad you had a great birthday! Have been thinking of you all day long and delivered a baby c-section today in your honor! (okay, really he just needed to be born but was glad it was on my favorite sister's b-day!!!) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi mom (Patti Gilpin)!!! We love you and miss you..have a wonderful time. WE are praying for you. See you when you get home!

Alli Jo

Anonymous said...

We hope you all have as good of a time as team one.
Seth Shank had left his green hoodie their. If anyone sees it, could they bring it back for him and give to Dan Mueller. If not, no big deal.
Thanks for looking and God Bless your adventure.
Patti Shank
(Carolee Muellers Daughter)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord team 2,
I am praying for you all, It was a hard day for me on the home visits with tapp when we went, the women and their children are forever in my thoughts and prayers.
what a memorable birthday you had!
well keep up the good work, and just remember to enjoy the time your there, because even though you get home sick. when you get home you wish you was back there.

Anonymous said...

we are so proud of you here in the states! you are doing SUCH an awesome job portraying GOD'S LOVE to the people of Uganda!! we miss you all so much and are praying for your safety and for your witness as you spend 10 more days there! God is so good!!

my favorite verse: 1 thess. 5:17

love you!!

(ps~ mom, jason said he can't get any flights to uganda, but said that he misses you and is proud of what you are doing over there!!)

keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

Hi to Fred, Mom, Grandma, Chris, Alysa and Jason!
Thanks, guys, for blogging me. It's so good to hear from you. I miss you all and love to hear what's going on with you.
Please be praying for me the next four days; I'm excited but nervous!

I love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi to Fred, Mom, Grandma, Chris, Alysa and Jason!
Thanks, guys, for blogging me. It's so good to hear from you. I miss you all and love to hear what's going on with you.
Please be praying for me the next four days; I'm excited but nervous!

I love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that I forgot to mention you! Thank you so much for blogging and delivering a baby in my honor! :-)

I love you and you are MY favorite sister, too.

(Blame it on my lack of sleep).

Love eternal,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom/Patti Gilpin,
I sure wish that your cell phone worked over there because then I could call and tell you about my A&P test that went so well!I am so glad that the Lord is working so hard in not only your life but also the rest of the team!I have been praying non stop and can not believe that I will have no more updates until Sunday! Savor every moment that you have over there and remember how truly loved you are!Austin, Syd , and Maddi send hugs and kisses!