Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shopping in Kampala

Today those of us "shop till you drop" shoppers are going shopping! Shopping in Kampala is a fun experience. Lots of walking, lots of hunting and lots of bargaining to get the best prices. We want to bring gifts back to our loved ones! :) But not everyone is going. For example, Larry is staying back to relax and enjoy time alone with God. (Time alone with 17 team members is a rare privilege). Others will be packing or just enjoying the down time for a variety of purposes around here. It will be good to have a day to regroup and relax and repack and prepare for our looooong trip home.

Tomorrow will be packed! We will spend the day at Mutungo at the church we built last year. We will get to visit our Children of Promise and all the friends we made last year. We will see the Central Community Preschool and the offices there on the site. We're very excited for tomorrow! We have to have everything packed when we leave in the morning because it will be a packed day! The church at Mutungo can't wait to see us, too! They are coming in the morning and then going home for lunch. We will have a lunch prepared by the women of the church. The church people will come back after their lunches to spend the rest of the day with us.

We are feeling rested and refreshed after a long night's rest in a great bed! The beds we stayed at for the last week weren't as good as these are! We all had HOT showers and that was something we all truly enjoyed! It's amazing the things you cherish when you've gone a week without them! Even sit down potties are something to give thanks to God for! In the US we take so much for granted. Every night the electricity goes off at 11:00 at the place we stayed at on the Safari. So, it's getting up by lamp light and getting ready in the dark. Thank God for electrictiy! A couple of us even curled our bangs today, just because we can! :)

We had the best dinner last night! Delicious American type food with ice cream and cookies for dessert! We got our ice cream craving satisfied! Tonight we are going back to the world's best Chineese restaurant, at least in my opinion. Prior to this restaurant I didn't like Chineese food but this place is the best, serving homestyle with big bowls of everything and the best atmosphere and presentation and plenty of food to satisfy everyone.

I had better go and get breakfast before the shoppers leave without me. We can't wait to tell you our stories in detail about our last week. It was an incredible experience that we are still processing. It's amazing how in a short time you can be so connected with a group of people that they remain in your hearts even when you leave. I don't know when we will get to go back to Nebbi area but we will always remember the friends we made there, in our thoughts and prayers and ask after them.

Love to You All!


Anonymous said...

I said a prayer while I took a cold shower in your honor this morning! Granted it was a SHORT shower, but you're ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers so the short prayer was just a bonus! Can't wait to hear your stories, look at your pictures and see how your faces and lives have changed because of your experiences. Jerry and I will see you at the airport.
Blessings to all... Judy

Anonymous said...

I guess the blog doesn't like the ampersand (&) in the name field!(See our previous comment.) There really is no "amp" in our family!
See you soon! ...Judy

Anonymous said...

i hope you all enjoy your day today. You have been in our prayers and we are excited for you all to come home safely.
Pastor Clint

carla said...

Glad you had a great time at the village. Hope you shop twice as much to make up for my not being there! I should be in great health in time for next year though. Cant wait, give all a big hug for me.