Monday, September 15, 2008

We're Here!

Hello from Uganda! We're all here and fine, healthy and happy after a very long journey. They only lost 3 of our totes this year! At least better than the 7 they lost last year!

Today after we had orientation, we went to the International School for lunch and to work on some projects. We painted metal shelves in the kitchen, fixed pathways with brick edging (got to practice our bricking skills again! :)) Also a couple people straightened a crooked roof by resetting the porch supports.

It rained alot around noon so we have definitely arrived to rainy season! But, then when we left you guys were having your own rainy season. Lisa, Larry wants to know if you can go and mow our yard when you get done with Terri's. (Just kidding!)

The emotions were overwhelming as we touched down in Entebbe, almost like we had never left. The fears and worries of the past few weeks seemed to melt away as the tears flowed knowing we were finally back. The sights and sounds of the city are forever ingrained in our hearts and minds. You would like those things would never leave your memory, but coming back has brought everything back to life in a colorful and powerful way. Open fires burning, stagnet water and cooked chicken all melt into the smells of the Ugandan streets.

The small children wondering the dirt roads as though they are lost. Our hearts cry for them knowing the life they will lead here. So much we can do from home by sponsoring a child. You can see the difference in the faces of the ones who have no real purpose vs the ones with school books on their backs and proudly wearing a school uniform. Central has done so much for the future of the 100 children we have been able to sponsor. Our only hope is that we now can begin helping more.

Must go for now will write again soon.
Much love and thankful for all of the prayers
Team 1 Monday night


Andrea said...

Hello Team One!
Glad to hear of your safe arrival. 3 totes, not bad (Hope you'll get them soon.) God Bless you all & enjoy the journey!

Julia said...

Way to go, Team One!
Know that LOTS of people are praying for your strength, health, safety & life-changing experiences. Enjoy the food & hug the kids for me!

Betty Bengston said...

Greetings from Wichita! So glad that you made the long trip and that everyone is okay. Hi to everyone but especially to Emily and Genda!! I will keep all of you in my prayers....Betty

jeffswolfepack said...

Hello to everyone, specail hello's to mom and bill. I just had to tell Bill that he missed a GREAT Broncos game yesterday. Although, I know that the things that all of you are doing down there are sooo much GREATER than any NFL game. I will be checking on grandma tonight and will let you know how she is doing.
-Love Jeff,Shannon,& The Girls

Anonymous said...

Hello Sister Terri, Janelle and Bill! I got Terri's email today and was excited you all have arrived after awaiting a year to return. All of you on this trip are for sure in my eyes "God Sent" angels. Have a exciting time and look forward to seeing pictures on the blog... Sharon

carla said...

glad to hear you have arrived safely and already busy, needless to say i wish i were with you, but am looking forward to next year. My prayers are with you all. Terri no results 2day 4:50pm, hopefully in the morning i can send the good news!
love and miss you all!

jreid said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely if not with all of your stuff.

Note to Larry and any other Chief's fans - We need to sue KC Chiefs for fraud. They claim they have a football team but I don't think so. We lost to the RAIDERS!!! (23-8)

Bill - Your Ponies are in 1st and no, I don't want to talk about it!

You guys are in our prayers and thoughts back home.

jeffswolfepack said...

Pkay mom I called and checked on grandma she was doing okay. As for you Cowboys T.O. just scored a touchdown in the first qauter about 6 minutes into the you know how it ends up.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to read the blog knowing we won't be returning this year to the country and people that stole our hearts. Our memories of LAST year and your experiences THIS year will have to suffice until we return NEXT year! Our prayers are with you all... Jerry & Judy

Anonymous said...

We have read your blogs, thank you all for your comments. It is great to hear from you all back home. It has been wonderful again to be here, although I must admit I miss my friend Carla very much, I think of you often and say to myself Carla would get a great smile if she were here. Lisa, and sis great to here from you also. I am glad all is well at home, greatest joy come from my daughter and Dakotah, thank you for writing. Love to you all, Sherry and Pam hope you are not too swamped at work. Pam, we will not get to meet with your child of promise until our last day here but will let her know how much you care for her.

Anonymous said...

Bob and I join with the others who have been where you are now and wish we were there too. We've sent Dan and Seth in our place so put them to work. We love and miss ya and are praying for you.
Bob & Carolee

jeffswolfepack said...

To mom and all the other Dallas Cowboy fans just had to let you all know that the Cowboys beat the Eagles on Monday night football 41 to 37 it was a close game and fun to watch. I hope you all are doing well.
My prayer is that all of you are aware of how big of a difference each and everyone are giving these people in need. You are bringing them the words of Jesus Christ their savior. Some of these people in need this is the first time and the only time that they will receive the word. You are making a differance brick by brick.
Love, Jeff,Shannon, & The Girls

Patti said...

Hi Team One -

Yipee!! You're there and already starting the work you were called to do. I can't wait to be there in two weeks and experience all the things you are writing about and have told me about. I'm excited and hopeful the container will arrive when Team Two is in Uganda. Love and Prayers to each of you.