Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Packing Complete - Uganda, Here We Come

It's been a busy week of preparations. Sunday evening's Gospel Music for Missions event was a big success! Contributions were given to cover the cost of the laptop for the missionaries, the screen to show the Jesus Film on, the water drill bit, the two drills that are to replace those that were stolen, and the four study Bible to be presented to each of the pastors at the churches we are finishing and dedicating this year. In addition to those generous gifts, there was an offering taken up for the teams for projects God will show us during our journeys. Over $6000 was raised for these special projects! We praise God and thank each of you who gave so generously.

Last evening both teams met to pack the totes with gifts for Children of Promise, new tools, project materials for the kids, gifts for women and men and even much more! Team One brought their luggage which was weighed and packed away till this weekend. We were able to pack up an incredible amount of items and we feel great about all the things we are bringing with us this year.

Travel begins for Team One on Saturday morning. We will meet at the church at 5:00 am and set off for two days of air travel. We hope to arrive in Entebbe, Uganda Sunday evening.

1 comment:

Sharon Taylor said...

Hey Sis, You all get to your destination? I'll be awaiting posts and hopefully pictures. You and the team are in our daily prayers. Love you Sister.
Hi Carla, Hi Janelle - look after my Sis - Love you also! :D