Friday, June 18, 2010

Day at Kasubi

Today was a great day. Some of us went to the TAPP office and learned how to make beads as well as enjoying time with the kids and clients. Another group of us went on JaJa visits, that's Grandma in Uganda. Larry, Scott and Walter took their first Boda Boda ride (taxi motorcyle)and so did I with a skirt on, side saddle. What a ride! We also took taxis to get to all the different locations we went to for visits with the older ladies. Others worked in the library at the school or worked on the new area that is under construction.

We had lunch at the school. We tried to avoid the caterpillars that were everywhere and cause an allergic reaction when they come in contact with our skin and the little bristles on them brush against it.

In the afternoon, those of us with Children of Promise sponsored kids got to visit with our kids. That was really special for us. We had plenty of time to spend really quality time with them. Others worked at the TAPP office, on the building, at the library and Scott and a couple of others worked with the teenagers.

We saw many old friends, Pastor Fred, the pastor from the church in the East that we built last year, etc. It's always good to reconnect with those we've met from previous trips.

We are leaving in a half hour to go out to dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. That will be something totally new for us.

Tomorrow we plan to shop so the packing will begin tonight. And of course, the group is gathered around the TV watching the World Cup.

Got to go get ready for dinner...


1 comment:

laura camp said...

praying for you as you begin your journey home through airports, customs, flights, baggage & as you enjoy your first "american" meal again.
i know God has used each of you in ways you may never fully know on this side of heaven as well as "grown" you up & taught you some things that you can use as you continue lifes journey. be safe & continue to grow--satan would love to steal ground that you have gained in your spiritual walk during this part of the journey. be always aware that the enemy seeks to destroy. blessings to each of you. praising God for all he has & will continue to do.
neno--missed seeing your writings, but know it was a busy time for ya. hugs to you & your sis.