Sunday, June 13, 2010

God's Imagination and Creativity

Hello family, friends, and loved ones! The Central Mission Team sends our warm...very warm greetings! The past few days our team has been on a Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park. What beauty! We all woke up before the sun and piled into two white Safari vehicles. We drove for 7 hours with one stop in between to catch a boat ride that completely captured our breathe away. We drove up to a loading station as a woman says..."tickets please, I need your tickets to board". We awaited the other teams arrival and finally we had tickets to board. The boat started its engine and took off down Lake George and Lake Edward. The first signs of wild life was a huge hippo that would catch our attention then go under water. We made our way down the lake's edge and saw "God's Imagination and Creativity". How beautiful the animals were. The boat ride lasted 2 hours but the true Safari had just begun. We hopped into our vehicles to view our rooms. We stayed in a HOSTEL that evening. Before we were assigned our rooms, we each reminded our selves that anything may have been better than the living conditions in Janna, but God has blessed us with some great rooms for our Safari visit! We went on an evening ride through the park with our Safari tops off to get a better view. We took photographs of wonderful animals, then suddenly we ran into the LION KING! There they were Mother, Father and baby cubs! We moved in for a closer view and all I could think about was how my dad would be upset if anything happened to me...but hey, you get what you paid for! Up close encounter with LIONS!! The highlight of that trip was feeling that God has created all of that wonderful nature and creatures for our enjoyment and appreciation. I was truly entertained!
God Bless,


sherryLsmith said...

Wow! Amazing! How wonderful that you were able to see, and probably even smell, these animals of the 'wild kingdom'! So glad you had a great time and didn't provide dinner to any of the lions. :)

Looking forward to all those pic's, Cameron!

VBS went off great. Ended today with a Family Celebration that was so wonderful!

Love you! See you in a week!


Dan and Michelle Mueller said...

God Rocks! You are so blessed to have seen such an amazing thing, in addition to all of the other great stuff you have been privileged to see. God's hand is at work among you, and I'm sure the next several days ahead will be just as full of His handy work. Blessings as you continue to serve the King. Looking forward to hearing more of your testimony! - Dan and Michelle Mueller. Love you guys.

carolee said...

Rain Rain go away!! You are missing the RAINY season or so it seems.

Missing you but knowing God is at work in your lives and the lives of those you are touching.

I'm envious of the lions, looking forward to seeing pictures.

love ya gma

carolee said...

To Gabs, if you see a fan like you brought back from Indo, I'd love one from Africa gma

Lisa said...

Nathanael & Nicole - love you and so proud of you. Hope you're taking lots of pix and have journals. I can't wait to hear your heart.
Praying for you,
Anut Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts. We are all reading them, having just a wonderful time realizing the blessings your are recieving. You are in our prayers, May your friends and church family continue to bless you and be blessed by you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts. We are all reading them, having just a wonderful time realizing the blessings your are recieving. You are in our prayers, May your friends and church family continue to bless you and be blessed by you.