Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kasubi - Day 1

At 9:30ish (10am in reality), we drove to the school at Kasubi and kept busy most of the day.

Some went to home visits where we meet TAPP (Tumaini AIDS Prevention Program) clients. Humbled by their joy in the midst of some horrific circumstances, they teach us how to be content in all situations as we do our best to comfort and encourage them in the Lord.

Others went to the TAPP office and learned how to make beads. This is just one way that the TAPP clients make an income to sustain themselves and their families. When we purchase articles of jewelry which are made up of these beads, we help support them as they desire to support themselves.

Our journeys to Uganda offer an opportunity to bring our church's gifts to sponsored children as well as arrange for personal visits. This can be logistically challenging and we had a delegation go to arrange these visits as well as purchase gifts for the children.

At the school, there were teachers and pastors who were in separate conferences. A few of us had the privilege of teaching the church leaders as well as learning from them as they asked questions and sought wisdom - not from us so much as from the Word and each other.

Kasubi school teaches children of all ages all the way up through high school. The young ones were fascinated by our skin and hair (Greg and Terry) wanting to touch our heads and arms and faces.

We have one more day at Kasubi before we travel many hours to Nebbi. We thank God for His presence in each of our adventures and look forward to what He has in store for us next.


Blessed by God said...

we had a great day. after going to kasubi school and visited with children of promise officials, we took the money for some of the children to have mattresses and beddings, what an awesome experience. loved the whole experience. so we now know some of these children who have not slept on comfy surface will have better sleep. they will be presented with the gifts tomorrow. i did get to meet my spencer, he is such a sweet heart. tomorrow i will get to see cissy.

sherryLsmith said...

I love seeing the smiles of these children! They obviously have such great joy in their hearts. So beautiful, and so contagious! We continue to pray for you as you minister to these beautiful people...and I know they are ministering to you as well! Blessings and our love to you all!

Anonymous said...

It's great to follow along with you through your communications. The shopping sounded like an amazing experience. I know the kids will be blessed by your purchases. We continue to pray for you for God's greatest blessings as you serve Him and those He loves in Uganda.


Jerry and Judy Scholl said...

Reading your comments is making us homesick! Our excitement about returning next year is growing with each days blog. You 'newbies' must be in sensory overload by now. We can't wait to hear about your experiences in Nebbe. Our prayers are with you.
-Jerry and Judy

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Momma (Terri)~ What a fabulous amazing gift for them! I am so glad you got to meet Spencer!! And you'll be seeing Cissy soon!! And of course my Lidia!