Thursday, June 30, 2011

Montana House 90% Completed!

We are approximately 90% completed with our mission on this house; we only have about 20% left of the flooring and floor joists--so, we're now working with 80% of bare foundation. We had planned to complete this today but God had a different plan for us--we had some chainsaw problems that slowed us down. We still know we are right on God's time schedule and will patiently watch HIM work through us.

We remain thankful to God, CCC and Pastor John for allowing us to be a part of this. I spoke with a nurse today from St. Louis, who is donating her time to serve in one of the clinics set up in one of the Joplin churches. This Sister in Christ is so thankful for churches and leadership like CCC that make this serving possible. She told me she actually attends a church larger than CCC and they never serve in any missions as a church. She would love the opportunity to travel with her immediate church family to serve, so she had 10,000 questions as to how Pastor John, Pastor Greg and Cheri Clark organize and "do" all of this.

I must confess, I teetered on the edge of the sin of pride as I explained a tremendously supportive CCC congregation and shared with her missions like Uganda, Honduras, Katrina, Compassion Saturday, Love Wichita and as many others as I was able to remember. God blesses us when we do the work He called us to do and we feel it. Yeah, the temps have reached over 100 and we were hoping to move to a shady serving (LOL!), but meeting with the homeowner every evening and all the outpouring in Joplin helps us remember what HE is doing and know we are directly in the middle of HIS will.

Thank you, Lord, thank you Pastor John, thank you Central Community, thank you Advil, thank you Pepcid, thank you spring water, thank you sunscreeen, thank you shower--oops!; I've gone too far. LOL!

Terry Allred

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