Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Team Two Day Two

The walls were all down by 9:30am Tuesday morning. We have now removed 95% of the blow-in insulation and 1/3 of the floor and floor joists--on our way to "takin' her to the foundation". God has been gracious to allow us some great progress, while continuing to meet many of the neighbors and sharing why we are here. We remain amazed at God's outpouring of other volunteers, from all over the U.S. to support us with prayer, drinks, cold wash-cloths, snacks, medical care and more and more.

One of the neighbors has served God in Hurricane Katrina and several other disaster relief missions--including Greensburg, Kansas and now his church is supporting him, as their family is wiped out from this tornado. His testimony of how God saved his family is remarkable. Pastor John reminded us that Jesus tells us to give a cool drink of water in His name and our team here hopes that goes for sunscreen too--because our Brother-in-Christ needed both.

Yes, it is a Blessing to watch and be a part of so many of God's people helping people in His name. God has kept us safe and moving forward and your CCC Joplin Mission Team #2 remains thankful. Thank you for your continued support in prayer, offerings and encouragement. Hope to have more to report by Thurs morning.

In Christ,


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