Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kampala 25 - A Day of Celebration

Today we began the day by eating a delicious breakfast of hot oatmeal, toast with all the various toppings, cold cereal, and fresh fruit, as well as a variety of beverages. The food is so delicious, prepared by such loving people!

We departed the Stevenson's compound around 9:00 a.m., drove through heavy city traffic, arriving at the Nampunge church just after a Youth Celebration had begun. This Nampunge church is one of the first to have been sponsored by CCC, and it is now hosting 9 area churches' youth groups for this Kampala 25 (a celebration including all Church of God churches within a 25 kilometer distance).

We sat at the front of the church, were graciously introduced, and appreciated all the amazing singing and dancing these youth put their heart and soul in to. As Grant introduced the team, he taught all the attendees the sign language for applause and "I Love You" - the kids picked that up quickly and repeatedly used these signs throughout the day for Lisa and all of us. Truly a memorable celebration...especially the part when the church brought US their straw skirts to put on and dance for them to the sound of African drums! Fortunately, Grant led the way adding dance moves these people say they will remember to use in the future, but we all had a wonderful time!

Afterwards, we danced more in the church courtyard and then left for the compound arriving home at 8:30 a bit tired, hungry, and dirty, but so happy. God is alive here in Africa...and we all feel blessed to be a part of His work.

(the other Mzungu next to Jake is Jesse Stevenson, one of Tim and Colleen's sons)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!

Love the picture of Jake dancing.....

Amy Lankutis