Sunday, July 10, 2011

Opportunities to sponsor a child abound!

After service today, we enjoyed time with the kids of Nampunge as we toured the facility. It's amazing what they've done here in such a short time. It was less than three years ago when Central Community helped build the church in Nampunge. Now, there is a school with 601 children and a clinic. It is truly wonderful what the LORD has done and continues to do at that place in the live of these kids!

In the picture on the right, you see a child. Her name is Jane. She is a little girl that represents hundreds of other little girls and boys who need our help. For only $25 a month, you can send her to school, provide uniforms, and care for her in so many other ways.

Many within our congregation already sponsor children. Some sponsor as many as four! However, there are some of us that have not yet realized the need. The need is great! If you haven't yet sponsored a child, please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child.

What does it mean to sponsor a child? In addition to the automatic allotment of $25 per month, you also agree to regularly pray for your child and send letters. They love to receive letters. Make them a part of your life as you become an important part of theirs.

We spoke with one sponsored child who has gone on to university studying music production. He is a living testimony to a life changed by one unselfish commitment to save the life of one less fortunate.

If you are interested in sponsoring Jane or any other child, please call the church office today (316-943-1800) or email Cheri Clark, Director of Missions (

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