Thursday, July 7, 2011

News From Uganda

Here are a couple of updates from yesterday from Madison and Valerie from Businywa.

Madison AM: We're up, fed and ready to start the day's work and visits. The people of Businywa are so welcoming.

Madison PM: Lots of good times with kids, students and women here in Businywa. Church roof should be covered tomorrow. More TAPP visits, too! G'nite!

Valerie through Fred: Some of the team visited the TAPP office and made home visits. There is also work being done on the church there to get it ready for dedication on Friday. The roof should be finished tomorrow. They also spent time teaching Bible stories to the kids. They worked with about 120 or so at one time. Others spent time with the women's group as well as youth and pastors. While our team is there to minister to the people of Uganda, it is often the case that our team members' spirits are touched by those in the village.

Valerie's classroom was under a tree. (The picture is from Ngora village, teaching under a mango tree from a previous trip).

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