Wednesday, July 6, 2011

TAPP Visits

TAPP (Tumaini "hope" AIDS Prevention Program) is the program our missionary and others in Uganda work through to minister to those diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. This is a devastating diagnosis in Uganda because those affected are not allowed to work and are generally outcasts in society. (Similar to the lepers in biblical times).

Valerie sent a text to her husband, Fred last night indicating that she was getting ready to head to the TAPP office and spend time with the ladies there. The team will spend time at the TAPP office and share with them. They will also do home visits to those who are not at the office. This will be a time to visit and pray with them, and there is always a care package to leave. This is usually the most difficult time for the team members, as the emotions are high. It really humbles a person to see God's children in such conditions. It's during these times that most members want to bring as many as they can home with them. My words cannot capture the feeling here. Please be praying for our team as they minister. The village of Businywa is a beautiful place. As soon as we get pictures, I will post them.

(The picture is Colleen distributing gifts at a TAPP home visit from 2009 trip that Valerie was on)

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