Monday, July 4, 2011

We made it to Uganda!

Greetings from Uganda!

After over 25 hours of travelling more than 6000 miles...we made it! We left Wichita on the 2:45 pm flight to Dallas and had only 40 minutes in Dallas to catch our flight to Heathrow. As we approached the gate, we heard the announcement for "last call" for the flight. We were one of two large groups that were the last to board. The other group was comprised of around 30 4th and 5th graders from Iowa and Nebraska. However, we were able to make our flight and get settled before leaving the country. The big question was whetHer our 24 pieces of luggage would make the connection!

In Heathrow (London) we took a bus to another part of the airport in order to catch our flight to Nairobi. We were required to pass through security (again) and then had to gain our boarding passes to our flight on Kenyan Airways. The combination of all these took longer than we thought it would and, again, we were looking at a tight connection. However, we walked up (finally) to the gate as they began boarding all rows on our flight to Kenya.

The flight to Kenya, as well as the other flights so far, was uneventful and we were impressed with the quantity and quality of the flight attendance, and fine dining. Whoever heard of having lamb as one of the airline menu selections! Arriving in Kenya, we had to go through security again and were amazed at the condition of the airport - ceiling files falling down, open plumbing, and other hazards faced us along the way from one gate to another.

From there, we once again had a timely, uneventful flight to Entebbe where ALL 24 pieces of luggage were recieved (praise the LORD!) and our official greeters and drivers (David and Alice) were there to help us load and drive the hour-long distance to the compound. Upon leaving the Entebbe airport, we realized it was now midnight, July 4, so we broke into spontaneous patriotic songs, celebrating our nation's birthday, and drove the rest of the way noticing the many differences in streets, open street vendors (at 1:30 a.m.!), the variety of aromas, and the many scooters (called boda-bodas) sometimes passing our van carrying as many as three riders! The beds, showers, and warm welcome have been thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated!

Some money has been exchanged...a delicious lunch is now being served...then many of us are in need of a short nap. There is planning and more laughing to come this afternoon as we consider all that God has in store for us these coming days.

We miss our family and our friends but we know that God has us right where He wants us to be right now. We ask for your continued support and prayers.


Tracy and Cheri said...

I sure hope Kenya airport isn't responsible for maintaining the airplanes! Excited for all of you and praying God will prepare the hearts of the people there to hear and receive His word.

christine s. said...

I would have loved to have heard your singing! A wonderful way to celebrate the 4th. Tons of fireworks here in Wichita for hours on end, so singing sounds great to me! We had a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon with a nice little downpour. Praying you get the rest you need to carry on with God's work!

Anonymous said...

So happy you guys made it safely!

The story about singing patriotic songs brought little tears to my eyes!

We are praying for all of you guys and can't wait to hear more.....

Amy and Justin Lankutis

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify...the "little tears" part refers to Amy.

Glad to hear you and your luggage made it safely!

Justin Lankutis

Anonymous said...

Please tell our grandson(JAKE L.) hi and we love him. We are praying for the team everyday.

As Pastor John would say.."you've been DEPLOYED!"

We anxiously await your return.

with much love...
Doug and Ann Linn

Anonymous said...

Hooray, you made it. :) Praying for God's mighty hand upon you all as you serve, learn and grow through this experience.

Kim Garrison

Anonymous said...

Hey guys glad you made it there safely and I'm praying for you guys!!:) Tell my brother Jake that i miss him and love him:) Also Jake, are you making any new friends??????? Haha he knows what I mean:) ok well have a great rest of the trip and get home safely!!

Sami Lankutis