Friday, September 26, 2008

Alone in Africa

I really didn’t know how hard it would be to have the team pack up and drive away. At first I wanted to jump in and go with them, but the worry soon left as I drove away with Glenna ( the district director of nursing in Uganda). I will stay with her this weekend and have a personal adventure here. I felt like my family was leaving and I was now alone in Africa. But as soon as I thought it I know I am at home in Africa as well, and my African family will take care of me.

Tomorrow she will show me what it is like to gerocery shop in Kampala. Should make for an interesting morning. Then we will visit a family that Ray and I sponsored last year.

Sunday the plan is to get up very early and head out to another village in western Uganda for the day. We will be visiting with a young boy who was hospitalized for 3 months due to having surgery to fix his legs and is now able to walk. We will also be attending church there and I am preaching. What an experience that will be. Please pray for divine help.

So I do have a full schedule to keep my mind and body busy until team 2 arrives. Hurry up team two home has never felt so far away. !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim. I've been reading everything you've written. You are a wonderful writer. You need to write a book! You brought tears to my eyes telling about the Children of Promise and giving them blankets, candy, and a ball, and how it brightened their spirits.

Have fun grocery shopping and tell us all about it! I have a clock on my computer at home and at work and I have it set to the time in Africa. From what it says, right now in USA it's 2:26pm CST, and it says it's 8:26pm in Africa. I thought I had read that it was 12 hr time difference, but my clock shows Africa is only 6 hrs ahead of here. So, I dont know for sure.

Take care and I'll "see" you later.

Cheryl Zahn-Moore :)

Julia said...

Kimberly - we promise to remember and keep praying for you in Uganda with your "second family". You're NEVER alone. And I imagine both the kids & adults are totally fond of you! Enjoy the experience, AND the spirit of "love and of power and of a sound mind" that is your promise to claim.
God is using you in fabulous ways, Kimberly! And "because you have made the LORD which is your refuge, even The Most High, your habitation; no evil will befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone . . " (Ps 91).
We've got you covered, and HE'S got you covered . . . You Go, Girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimberly it was hard for us to leave you behind also. I know your time alone with Glenna will be well spent though. No words can completely express the work done in Africa by Colleen and Tim Stevenson, and Glenna, they are such an inspiration to us all. I wish I were there to here you preach on Sunday, I know it will be just the right message.
We only had time for the vehicle tour in Amersterdam, as our plane was delayed 2 hours Friday night and we did not leave Africa at the expected time. But all the same if team 2 has the oppertunity to tour on your way home it is highly recommended by everyone (maybe not so much by Larry but he did not sit in the front of the tour van and got car sick) Poor Larry.
So girlfriend I just wanted to let you know we will be praying for you and for team 2 and will be looking forward to your blogs, they take us back to a place of heart felt love and devotion for the people of Africa, our missionaries, and our Lord Jesus Christ, for His love is so evident in His people of all nations.
I guess I will try to sleep now.
Love Terri